

name = "Paracenobiopelma"

image_caption =
image_width = 250px
regnum = Animalia
phylum = Arthropoda
classis = Arachnida
ordo = Araneae
subordo = Mygalomorphae
familia = Barychelidae
subfamilia = Sasoninae
genus = "Paracenobiopelma"
genus_authority = Feio, 1952
diversity_link = List of Barychelidae species#Paracenobiopelma
diversity = 1 species

range_map_width = 250px
species = "P. gerecormophilum"
binomial = "Paracenobiopelma gerecormophilum"
binomial_authority = Feio, 1952

"Paracenobiopelma" is a monotypic genus of barychelid trapdoor spiders from Brazil.

Their closest relatives are found in the genus "Sason", which occurs in south Asia.


The genus name is combined from the Ancient Greek root "para" "near to" and the genus name "Cenobiopelma", which is now renamed to "Oligoxystre", and transferred to the family Theraphosidae. "Cenobiopelma" is a combination of the Ancient Greek roots "ceno" "evacuation", "bio" "life", and "pelma" "sole of the foot".

The species name is derived from the roots "ger" "to carry", "cormo" "tree trunk" and "philum" "to like".


* (1986): A revision of the spider genus "Sason" Simon (Sasoninae, Barychelidae, Mygalomorphae) and its historical biogeography. "J. Arachnol." 14: 47-70. [ PDF]
* (2008): [ The world spider catalog] , version 8.5. "American Museum of Natural History".

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

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