Johannes Andreas Grib Fibiger

Johannes Andreas Grib Fibiger

Infobox Scientist
name = Johannes Andreas Grib Fibiger
box_width =

image_width =150px
caption =Fibiger won a Nobel Prize in 1926
birth_date = April 23, 1867
birth_place = Silkeborg
death_date = January 30, 1928
death_place = Copenhagen
residence =
citizenship =
nationality = Danish
ethnicity =
field =
work_institutions =
alma_mater =
doctoral_advisor =
doctoral_students =
known_for = cancer
author_abbrev_bot =
author_abbrev_zoo =
influences =
influenced =
prizes = 1926 Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine
religion =
footnotes =

Johannes Andreas Grib Fibiger (April 23, 1867 Silkeborg - January 30, 1928 Copenhagen) was a Danish scientist who won the 1926 Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine. Fibiger had claimed to find an organism he called "Spiroptera carcinoma" that caused cancer in mice and rats. Later, it was shown that this specific organism was not the primary cause of the tumors. Because of this, some consider Fibiger's Nobel Prize to be undeserved, but others credit Fibiger with showing that external stimuli can induce cancer.


While studying tuberculosis in lab rats, Fibiger found tumors in some of his rats. He discovered that these tumors were associated with parasitic nematode worms that had been living in some cockroaches that the rats had eaten. He thought that these organisms may have been the cause of the cancer. In fact, the rats had been suffering from a vitamin A deficency and this was the main cause of the tumors. The parasites had merely caused the tissue irritation that drove the damaged cells into cancer; any tissue irritation could have induced the tumors. Although the specific link between the parasites and cancer was later known to be relatively unimportant, the idea that tissue damage was a cause of cancer was still an important advance in cancer research.

One of his experiments from 1898 is by some regarded as the first controlled clinical trial. [Cite journal
author = A. Hrobjartsson, P. C. Gotzsche & C. Gluud
title = The controlled clinical trial turns 100 years: Fibiger's trial of serum treatment of diphtheria
journal = BMJ
volume = 317
issue = 7167
pages = 12431245
year = 1998
month = October
pmid = 9794873


Fibiger became a medical doctor in 1890 and studied under Robert Koch and Emil Adolf von Behring in Berlin. He received his research doctorate from the University of Copenhagen in 1895 and became a professor there.


Further reading

*"Nobel Lectures, Physiology or Medicine 1922-1941", Elsevier Publishing Company, Amsterdam, 1965.
id = PMID:11500602
first=I M
publication-date=2001 Sep
title=Of Fibiger and fables: a cautionary tale of cockroaches and Helicobacter pylori.
periodical=J. Clin. Gastroenterol.

id = PMID:9889652
first=C N
publication-date=1998 Dec 14
title= [Centenary of Fibiger's controlled clinical trial]
periodical=Ugeskr. Laeg.

id = PMID:9843145
first=T N
publication-date=1998 Nov 14
title=The Nobel chronicles. 1926: Johannes Andreas Grib Fibiger (1867-1928).

id = PMID:1558350
first=P D
publication-date=1992 May 1
title=Johannes Fibiger and his Nobel Prize for the hypothesis that a worm causes stomach cancer.
periodical=Ann. Intern. Med.

External links

* [ Nobel Prize Biography]
* [ Biography from WhoNamedIt]

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

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