Paul Linnman

Paul Linnman

Paul Linnman (born 1947) is a radio personality on KEX 1190 AM radio in Portland, Oregon. He worked for nearly 30 years as a television news reporter and anchor for KATU and KGW. He is perhaps best known for his report on the attempt by the Oregon Highway Division to dispose of a dead, beached whale by exploding it (beaches open to motor vehicles are considered state highways in Oregon).

Published works

*"Oregon golf : the Oregon coast, southern Oregon, Portland & environs, central Oregon" Portland, Oregon: Graphic Arts Center Publishing Company, 1999. ISBN 1-55868-474-3
*" The Exploding Whale: And Other Remarkable Stories from the Evening News" (with Doug Brazil) Portland, Oregon: Graphic Arts Center Publishing Company, 2003. ISBN 1-55868-743-2

External links

* [ Paul Linnman's Bio (]
* [ Paul Linnman reporting] from an ODOT-maintained beach in the above-mentioned exploding whale incident.

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