

In Malayan culture, susuk, or charm needles, are needles made of gold or other precious metals, which are inserted in the soft tissues of the body to act as talismans. Susuk has various supposed purposes, ranging from the purely aesthetic to the treatment of joint pain and other minor ailments or to protect against injury and accident. Because the practice pre-dates the Islamicization of the region, it is prohibited by modern Islamic scholars as haraam.

With the advent of medical uses of radiography, the presence of susuk must be taken into account, as they may be mistaken for undesired foreign bodies.

External links

* [ Canadian Medical Association Journal article on the analysis of the health effects of multiple susuks in a patient, as detected by radiology]
* [ Royal College of Physicians, Edinburgh article on the detection and analysis of susuks; includes photos of skull x-rays with susuks] (requires Acrobat Reader)
* [ Dentomaxillofacial Radiology article on susuks]
* [ Analysis of the Islamic stance on susuks, at Islam Online]

ee also

* Acupuncture
* Body piercing

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