- Secondary School Admission Test Board
The Secondary School Admission Test Board (SSATB) is a nonprofit organization founded in 1957 by 10 independent school admissions officers to solve the problem of students being forced to take a test for every secondary school they applied toThe Secondary School Admission Board, "Mission Statement", 2006, http://www.ssatmembers.org/] . Operating under their mission statement, "To Support the Secondary School Admission Process" The Secondary School Admission Board, "Mission Statement", 2006, http://www.ssatmembers.org/] , the SSATB has become nationwide and nearly every independent
middle school andhigh school in theUnited States is now a member, including members in all 50 States. The SSATB's main function is the administration of theSecondary School Admission Test , a standardized test which is used in the admissions process of all member schools and is administered on six continents in 76 countries.Administration
The current president is Regan Kenyon, who has been the President since 1983 The Secondary School Admission Board, "Mission Statement", 2006, http://www.ssatmembers.org/] . A great advocate for private schools, he founded two schools himself in the
Virgin Islands .The
Board of Directors includes:
*The Chair, Dr. James K. Scott, President of the Punahou School inHawaii
*The Vice Chair, Mr. Thomas Southworth, Director of Admissions of the Loomis Chaffee School inConnecticut
*The Secretary, Ms. Patricia Talbert Smith, Head of School at the St. Francis Episcopal Day School inMaryland
*The Treasurer, Mr. Joseph Wandke, Headmaster of the Stevenson School inCalifornia
*Ms. A. Randol Benedict, Director of Admission/Financial Aid at the Garrison Forest School inMaryland
*Ms. Monique L. DeVane, Assistant Head of School of the Hawken School inOhio
*Ms. Barbara Flanagan, Dean of Admission of Western Reserve Academy inOhio
*Mr. Kilian Forgus, Director of Admission and Financial Aid of Saint Andrew's School inFlorida
*Ms. Karen N. Kindler, Director of Admission and Financial Aid at San Francisco University High School inCalifornia
*Ms. Ellen Moceri, Head of School at the Ransom Everglades School inFlorida
*Ms. Susan Nelson, Head of Schools, at The Webb Schools inCalifornia
*Mr. Douglas C. Price, Director of Admission at the Episcopal High School inVirginia
*Ms. Irma Rodriguez, Senior Consultant of Workplace Fairness at The Coca-Cola Company
*Mr. Lawrence Sampleton, Director of Admission/Co-Director of Financial Aid at St. Stephen's Episcopal School inTexas
*Dr. Tyler C. Tingley, Principal of Phillips Exeter Academy inNew Hampshire
*Ms. Linda Whitlock, Chief Executive Officer at Boys & Girls Club of Boston. The Secondary School Admission Board, "Mission Statement", 2006, http://www.ssatmembers.org/]References
ee also
[http://www.ssatmembers.org/ SSATB Members' Website]
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