- AssaultCube
Infobox VG
title = AssaultCube
developer = Rabid Viper Productions
license =Open Source
engine = Cube
version = v0.93
released =4 June 2007
genre =First-person shooter
modes =Multiplayer ,Singleplayer
platforms =Cross-platform
input = Keyboard and MouseAssaultCube (formerly known as ActionCube) is a
first-person shooter based upon the Cube engine. Although its main focus is online play, a single player mode exists which consists of computer-controlled bots.AssaultCube is available, free of charge to download for
Microsoft Windows ,Linux andMac OS X . While the Cube engine isfree software , parts of the accompanying game media, such as the graphics, are released under other,non-free licenses.History
AssaultCube, was started in July 2004 by a few members of the Cube community. The first official release was in November 2006. The plan was to create an entirely new game incorporating Cube's simplicity and movement style in a more realistic environment.
As of
May 6 2007 , ActionCube has been renamed to AssaultCube due to a request from the developers of Action Quake. [http://assault.cubers.net/docs/history.xml]Despite its simplistic graphics and gameplay, AssaultCube maintains a consistent player base with more than a dozen user-run servers online at any given time. AssaultCube also has several gaming clans some of which participate in organized tournaments. The game's increasing popularity is likely due to its creative but simple gameplay style, cross-platform nature, and low hardware requirements.
AssaultCube was designed to be more realistic and team-oriented than Cube while keeping Cube's distinctive fast-paced gameplay. In comparison to other games, AssaultCube is slower than
Quake but faster thanCounter-Strike .There are 2 teams different in AssaultCube. They are called the "Cubers Liberations Army" (CLA), and the "Rabid Viper Special Forces" (RVSF).AssaultCube retains a movement bug from the original Cube engine that allows players to utilize
straferunning to move at a faster speed. This was left intentionally unfixed by the developers because it was considered an enjoyable feature of Cube, similar tobunny hopping inQuake . [ [http://sourceforge.net/forum/message.php?msg_id=4268922 SourceForge.net: ] ]Another rather, unrealistic feature of the game is the potential for using the recoil of the weapons (which pushes one backwards) to reach and perform moves that were previously impossible. This was also designed intentionally, allowing players to achieve faster movement and jump higher.
AssaultCube's weapons are all fictional and fill the basic niches of a modern
first-person shooter : the assault rifle, sub-machine gun, sniper rifle, pistol, knife, and shotgun. AssaultCube has nine different gamemodes excluding bot game modes and the ingame level editor
* Team Deathmatch and Deathmatch
* One Shot One Kill and Team One Shot One Kill (Sniper rifle only)
* Last Swiss Standing (Knives and Grenades only)
* Team Survivor (Teams fight until opposing team is eliminated) and Survivor
* Pistol Frenzy (Pistols, knives, and grenades only)
* Capture The FlagAssaultCube, as mentioned above, retains a very easy to use ingame mapping feature from the original Cube game, resulting in a variety of custom maps.Several maps from other games have been remade for the Cube engine - most notably, de_dust2 from Counter-Strike.
External links
* [http://assault.cubers.net/ AssaultCube home page]
* [http://assault.cubers.net/wiki AssaultCube wiki]
* [http://assault.cubers.net/forum AssaultCube forum]
* [http://quadropolis.us/taxonomy/term/24 Quadropolis] - Community created media for AssaultCube.
* [http://sourceforge.net/projects/actiongame/ AssaultCube] atSourceForge.net
* [http://cia.vc/stats/project/actiongame/ AssaultCube at cia.vc] - Real-time statistics on current AssaultCube development.
* [http://www.ohloh.net/projects/9337 AssaultCube at ohloh.net] - General analysis about AssaultCube.
* [http://www.ri-ac.co.nr RandumIdiot's Guide to Assaultcube]
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