Posterior median sulcus of medulla oblongata — Infobox Brain Name = PAGENAME Latin = sulcus medianus posterior medullae oblongatae GraySubject = 187 GrayPage = 767 | Caption = Section of the medulla oblongata through the lower part of the decussation of the pyramids. 1. Anterior median… … Wikipedia
median fissure of medulla oblongata dorsal — median fissure of medulla oblongata, posterior sulcus medianus posterior medullae oblongatae … Medical dictionary
median fissure of spinal cord dorsal — median fissure of spinal cord, posterior sulcus medianus posterior medullae spinalis … Medical dictionary
Anterior median fissure of the spinal cord — Infobox Anatomy Name = PAGENAME Latin = fissura mediana anterior medullae spinalis GraySubject = 185 GrayPage = 752 Caption = A spinal nerve with its anterior and posterior roots. Caption2 = Transverse section of the medulla spinalis in the mid… … Wikipedia
Posterior funiculus — Section of the medulla oblongata … Wikipedia
Posterior external arcuate fibers — Diagram showing the course of the arcuate fibers. (Testut.) 1. Medulla oblongata anterior surface. 2. Anterior median fissure. 3. Fourth ventricle. 4. Inferior olivary nucleus, with the accessory olivary nuclei. 5. Gracile nucleus … Wikipedia
Posterior column-medial lemniscus pathway — Originating in peripheral sensory receptors, the posterior column medial lemniscus pathway transmits fine touch and conscious proprioceptive information to the brain. Latin via column … Wikipedia
Posterior thoracic nucleus — Diagram showing a few of the connections of afferent (sensory) fibers of the posterior root with the efferent fibers from the ventral column and with the various long ascending fasciculi. (Dorsal nucleus labeled at center right.) … Wikipedia
Posterior horn of spinal cord — Cross section of the spinal cord. The posterior horn is the upper protrusion of grey matter, labeled with 2 Latin cornu posterius medullae spin … Wikipedia
Fissure — A cleft or groove. A fissure can be normal or abnormal. A fissure in the cerebral cortex is a normal feature. It is a deep fold that involves the entire thickness of the brain wall. A fissure in the anus is distinctly abnormal. It is a painful… … Medical dictionary