- Harlan Hogan
Harlan Hogan (born
September 30 ,1946 ) is avoice actor andauthor . He has provided thevoice-over s for countless commercials, documentaries and films. Many famousadvert isingcatch phrase s such as: "Strong enough for a man...", "You never get a second chance to make a first impression...", "When you care enough to send the very best..." and "Quaker Life, It's the cereal even Mikey likes...", ranked 10th inTV Guide s list of best commercials, have been performed by Harlan [http://www.post-gazette.com/tv/19990630commercial4.asp (June 30, 1999) "And now, just pause for the best words from the sponsors"Pittsburgh Post-Gazette Article] . He has also written several books on the subject of voice acting.Life & Career
Early career
Hogan worked his way through
Illinois Wesleyan University as adisc jockey on local radio station,WIOK , graduating with a BFA in theater.Harlan Hogan (November 2002) "VO Tales and Techniques of a Voice-Over Actor". Allworth Press ISBN 1581152493] A variety of jobs followed including program director of WHUT radio, speech coaching forJ. Walter Thompson , advertising copywriting at Advanced Systems, Inc. and even a job in computer sales at theHoneywell Corporation.Harlan Hogan (2002) VO Tales and Techniques of a Voice-Over Actor. Allworth Press ISBN 1581152493]Voice-Over
Hogan began acting full time finding a niche doing voice-overs for radio and television ads. Soon Hogan was known in the industry for doing high profile ads for Raid, Life cereal,
Head & Shoulders , andMcDonald's "You Deserve a Break Today" campaign. [ [http://www.rapmag.com/backissues/Mar05hilights.html Vigil, Jerry (March 2005). "Interview: Harlan Hogan, Voice Actor, Chicago, Illinois". Radio and Production Magazine] ] With a career that expands over 30 years Hogan has been acclaimed as a "Voiceover superstar" [http://www.reelchicago.com/archive.cfm?storyID=814 Abarbanel, Jonathan (March 28, 2005). "Voiceover Harlan Hogan back in theatre". REELCHICAGO.COM] ] and "one of the most sought after voice-over actors in the US" [ [http://screenplayer.sg/?cat=16 Screenplayer.sg] ]Writing
Harlan Hogan has authored two books and a DVD on the subject of voice acting. Additionally he has written the scripts for numerous educational and corporate productions including the five-part educational series "The Almost Painless Guide to United States Civics" which won silver and bronze medals at the [http://www.newyorkfestivals.com/ New York Festivals] competition in 1999 and 2000. [ [http://www.broadviewmedia.com/news/PR4.htm Broadview Media (March 22, 2001). "Almost Painless Guide Wins Bronze at New York Festivals" Press Release Retrieved 2006-01-18] ] His books and distinguished career have made him in demand for interviews and commentary on the voice over industry on TV [ [http://www.harlanhogan.com/in_the_news.shtml Interviews on CNN "The BIZ", WGN Channel 9 and News 12 New Jersey] ] , magazines [ [http://www.wgnradio.com/SHOWS/EX720/list200212.htm Rosenburg, Milt (December 17, 2002). "Extension 720 with Milt Rosenburg" Interview WGN Radio] ] [ [http://www.progressiverailroading.com/transitnews/article.asp?id=8671 (4/12/2006). "Doors opening..." Progressive Railroading Magazine] as prominent voice over actor along with
Don LaFontaine andNancy Cartwright (actress) ] [ [http://www.slate.com/id/2115865/ Seth Stevenson (March 28, 2005). "The Voice-Over Gets a Makeover" Slate Magazine] ] and newspapers including the New York Times [ [http://www.nytimes.com/2007/03/04/theater/04newm.html?_r=1&ref=theater&oref=slogin Newman,Andrew Adam (March 4, 2007). "The Larynxes That Invaded Broadway" New York Times] ] .Theatrical and Film Acting
Although not his mainstay Hogan has appeared in a number of theatrical and film productions including recent performances as Edvard Lunt in the Chicago production of
Beth Henley ’s "Impossible Marriage" [http://www.reelchicago.com/archive.cfm?storyID=814 Abarbanel, Jonathan (March 28, 2005). "Voiceover Harlan Hogan back in theatre". REELCHICAGO.COM] ] and Ivan in the 2007 feature length film, "Dimension" [ [http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0473351/combined Harris, Matthew Scott (Director). (2007). "Dimension" Film] ] which came in first in the Experimental category at the 2007 Indie Gathering film festival. [ [http://theindiegathering.com/07%20Winners.htm The Indie Gathering film festival, first place award, Dimension] ]References and Footnotes
* [http://www.allworth.com/VO_Tales_and_Techniques_of_a_Voice_Over_Actor_p/1-58115-249-3.htm Hogan, Harlan (November 2002) "VO: Tales & Techniques of a Voice-Over Actor". Alworth Press ISBN 1581152493]
* [http://www.amazon.com/dp/193114043X/ Fisher, Jeffrey P., Hogan, Harlan (February 2005). "A Voice-Actor's Guide to Home Recording". ArtistPro Publishing ISBN 193114043X]
* [http://www.amazon.com/dp/B000F6MOQ2/ Douglas Spotted Eagle, Frances, Mannie (Directors) Fisher, Jeffrey P., Hogan, Harlan (Writers) (2005) "Voice Over Success - What You Must Know to Compete in Today's Vo Market" VASST Training DVD-Video]External links
* [http://www.harlanhogan.com/ Official Site]
* [http://www.imdb.com/name/nm0389530/ Internet Movie Database entry]
* [http://www.ibaseentertainment.com/trailer.php Trailer for IBase Entertainment]
* [http://www.newswiretoday.com/news/9790/ Announcement of alliance with VoiceMarketer.com]
* [http://marquiswhoswho.com/ Who's Who in Entertainment and Who's Who in America, VIP # 3953564]
* [http://www.mobygames.com/game/windows/septerra-core-legacy-of-the-creator/credits Voice-over for Septerra Core: Legacy of the Creator Game]
* [http://www.rodneysaulsberry.com/stepup.php Featured in Rodney Saulsberry's upcoming book "Step up to the Mic!", Chapter 11, Words of Wisdom from the Pros, Page 121]
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