Costa Smeralda

Costa Smeralda
Costa Smeralda
Three luxury yachts - Lady Anne, Lady Moura and Pelorus within the port of Porto Cervo. They all belong to the 100 largest luxury yachts.

The Costa Smeralda (English: Emerald Coast, Sardinian: Monti di Mola) is a coastal area and tourist destination in northern Sardinia, 55 km long and covering more than 30 km². With white sand beaches, a golf club, private jet and helicopter service, and hotels costing up to US$2,000 - 3,000 per night in the peak season, the area has drawn celebrities, business leaders and other affluent visitors.

The main towns and villages in the area, built according to a detailed urban plan, are Arzachena, Porto Cervo, Liscia di Vacca, Capriccioli and Romazzino. Archaeological sites include the Li Muri “Tomba dei Giganti” (Giants’ Grave).

Each September the Sardinia Cup sailing regatta is held off the coast. Polo matches are held between April and October at Gershan near Arzachena. Other attractions include a film festival in Tavolara and a vintage car rally.

The development of the area started in 1961, and was financed by a consortium of companies led by Prince Karim Aga Khan. Spiaggia del Principe, one of the beaches along the Costa Smeralda, was named after this Ishmaelite Prince.[1] Architects involved in the project included Busiri-Vici, Jacques Couëlle, Savin Couëlle and Vietti.

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