- 387 BC
By place
Antalcidas , commander of theSparta n navy, actively assists Persia againstAthens . After escaping from the Athenian blockade at Abydos, he attacks and defeats a small Athenian force, then joins his fleet with a supporting fleet sent from Syracuse. With this force, which is soon further augmented with ships supplied by the Persiansatrap s of the region, he sails to theHellespont , where he is in a position to cut off the trade routes that bring grain toAthens .
* ThePersians , unnerved by some of Athens' actions, including supporting KingEvagoras ofCyprus andPharaoh Hakor ofEgypt (both of whom are at war with Persia), decide that their policy of weakening Sparta by supporting its enemies is no longer wise. SoAntalcidas enters into negotiations with the Persian satrapTiribazus and reaches an agreement under which the Persians will enter into the war on the Spartan side if the allies refuse to make peace.
* With Antalcidas' Spartan fleet in control of theHellespont , Sparta deprives Athens of herBosporus trade and tolls. The Athenians, mindful of being in a similarly serious situation as when defeated in the Peloponnesian War less than two decades before and facing Persian intervention on Sparta's side, are thereby ready to make peace.
* With the support of the Persian KingArtaxerxes II , KingAgesilaus II of Sparta concludes "the King's Peace " (or thePeace of Antalcidas , after the Spartan envoy and commander) with Greek allied forces in a manner favourable toSparta . Under the Peace, all the Asiatic mainland andCyprus remain under Persian control, Lemnos, Imbros, and Scyros remain Athenian dependencies, and all the other Greek states are to receive autonomy. By the King's Peace, the Persians become key players in Greek politics.
* Under the threat of Spartan intervention, Thebes disbands its league, andArgos andCorinth end their shared government. Corinth, deprived of its strong ally, is incorporated back into Sparta'sPeloponnesian League . After eight years of fighting, theCorinthian War is at an end.icily
* With the aid of the
Lucanians ,Dionysius I of Syracuse devastates the territories of "Thurii ", "Crotone ", and "Locri" in mainlandItaly . WhenRhegium falls, Dionysius becomes the chief power in Greek Southern Italy. He then turns his attention to theAdriatic .
*Plato is forced by Dionysius to leave Syracuse after having exercised the right of free speech too broadly. Plato returns toAthens , outside which he founds a school.Roman Republic
Rome begins to rebuild after being invaded by theGauls under Brennus.
*Marcus Furius Camillus introduces theCapitoline Games (Ludi Capitolini ) in honour of Jupiter Capitolinus, and in commemoration of Rome's Capitol not being captured by the Gauls.Births
* Wen,
marquis of the State of Wen,China
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