- Béhanzin
His symbols are the shark, the egg (a
rebus of his name), and a captive hanging from a flagpole (a reference to a boastful and rebelliousNago practitioner of harmful magic fromKetou whom the king hanged from a flagpole as punishment for his pride). But, his most famous symbol is thesmoking pipe , seen on the picture to the right. This is because he claimed that there wasn't a minute in his life, even when he was a baby, that he was not smoking.Behanzin was seen by his people as intelligent and courageous. He saw that the Europeans were gradually encroaching on his kingdom, and as a result attempted a foreign policy of isolating the Europeans and rebuffing them. As price just before Glele's death, Behanzin declined to meet French envoy
Jean Bayol , claiming conflicts in his schedule due to ritual and ceremonial obligations. As a result, Bayol returned toCotonou to prepare to go to war against Behanzin, named king upon Glele's death. Seeing the preparations, the Dahomeans attacked Bayol's forces outside Cotonou in 1890; the French army stood fast due to superior weaponry and a strategically advantageous position. Eventually Behanzin's forces were forced to withdraw. Behanzin returned to Abomey, Bayol to France for a time.The peace lasted two years, during which time the French continued to occupy Cotonou. Both sides continued to buy arms in preparation for another battle. In 1892, the soldiers of Abomey attacked villages near
Grand Popo andPorto-Novo in an effort to reassert the older boundaries of Dahomey. This was seen as an act of war by the French, who claimed interests in both areas.Bayol , by now named Colonial Governor by the French, declared war on Behanzin. The Frenchwar machine justified the aggression by characterizing the Dahomeans as savages in need of civilizing, and pointing to what it called the "humansacrifice " of the annual customs and at a king's death, and to the continued practice ofslavery , as evidence of this savagery.Some of this propaganda still exists today: in the
Musee de l'Homme in thePalais de Chaillot inParis , there is a large print, again illustrating the alleged savagery of the Dahomeans, of a battle in the war against Dahomey where a Dahomey Amazon killed a French officer by ripping out his throat with her sharpened teeth. The story is somewhat more complex, however, since the traditional accounts of the event handed down in Benin have the Amazon as a trusted wife of Behanzin who had sworn to avenge members of the royal family who had been executed by Behanzin for treachery after divulging battle plans in return forbribe s from French agents. Further, the French officer at issue was allegedly the head of Frenchmilitary intelligence who committed the 'savage' act of corrupting family members to betray their own; the Amazon was reduced to using her teeth after herammunition ran out at the battle's peak.Similarly, the usual European allegations of Dahomean savagery do not take into account the role of the annual customs in Dahomean society, the deepness of traditional belief in the
spirit world , the complex social organization seen in the courtbureaucracy and policy making process, and the fact that at many of the very points where blood flowed most freely in Dahomean history, it was also flowing freely inEurope , throughwar s,civil war s, andrevolution s. This is not to excuse any of theevil s of the Dahomean traditional society, but only to put them in perspective and to point out that the term "savage" when applied to Dahomey by defenders of its European colonization is used more for itspropaganda value than for its ability to describe honestly the level of organization or the cultural values of traditional Dahomean society.Through superior intelligence gathering, superior weaponry, subversion by some members of the royal family who had been corrupted by bribes, and a campaign of
psychological warfare that included cutting down most of thesacred trees in the Oueme and Zou, and an unexpected attack strategy, the French succeeded in defeating Dahomey, the last of the traditional African kingdoms to succumb to European colonization. Instead of attacking Abomey directly by marching straight north fromCalavi just north of Cotonou, French GeneralAlfred Dodds attacked fromPorto-Novo , moving up the Oueme valley until he was within striking distance ofAbomey , viaCove andBohicon .The French were victorious, and in 1894, Behanzin surrendered his person to Dodds, without signing any instrument of national surrender or treaty. He lived out the remainder of his life in exile in
Martinique andAlgeria . After his death, his remains were returned to Abomey.Behzanzin was succeeded by
Agoli-agbo , his distant relative and one-time Army Chief of Staff, the only potential ruler which the French were willing to instate.See also
Scramble for Africa
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