

name = "Embolotherium"
fossil_range = Late Eocene

image_caption = "Embolotherium andrewsi"
regnum = Animalia
phylum = Chordata
classis = Mammalia
ordo = Perissodactyla
familia = Brontotheriidae
genus = "Embolotherium"
subdivision_ranks = Species
subdivision =
See Text

"Embolotherium" (Greek εμβωλή, "embolê" + θήριον, "thêrion" "battering ram beast", or "wedge beast") is an extinct genus of brontothere that lived in Mongolia during the late Eocene period. It is most easily recognized by a large bony protuberance emanating from the anterior (front) end of the skull. This process resembles a battering ram, thus providing the reason for the name "Embolotherium". The animal is known from about 12 skulls, several jaws, and a variety of other skeletal elements from the Ulan Gochu formation of Inner Mongolia and the Irgilin Dzo of Outer Mongolia.


Complete skeletons of "Embolotherium" have not yet been recovered, but if one compares the skulls to other brontotheres, it was probably about 2.5 meters tall at the shoulder. Unlike many of the other Late Eocene brontotheres, there is no clear evidence that "Embolotherium" was sexually dimorphic. All known specimens have large rams. Therefore, coupled with the fact that the rams were hollow and fragile in comparison to the solid and sturdy horns of the North American brontotheres, such as "Brontotherium", it does not seem likely that the ram served as a weapon for contests between males. Rather, it might have had a non-sexual function, such as signaling to each other. The ram may have served as a specialized resonator for sound production. This hypothesis is suggested by the fact that the bony nasal cavity extends to the peak of the ram, thus implying that the nasal chamber was greatly elevated, possibly creating a resonating chamber.

Other Relatives

Several species of "Embolotherium" have been named, including "Embolotherium andrewsi", "Embolotherium grangeri", "Embolotherium louksi", "Embolotherium ultimum", "Embolotherium ergilensi", and "Embolotherium efremovi". However, only two species, "Embolotherium andrewsi" and "Embolotherium grangeri", appear to be valid. Other supposed species of "Embolotherium" are probably synonymous with these two species and were originally based on juvenile skulls, poorly preserved fossil material, or specimens that are not significantly different from either "E. andrewsi" or "E. grangeri".

Another genus of brontothere, "Titanodectes", which was named for several lower jaws found in the same sedimentary deposits as "Embolotherium", probably represents the same beast as "Embolotherium grangeri". "Protembolotherium" is another closely related genus from the Middle Eocene, which is distinguished by a noticeably smaller ram.

In popular culture

* "Embolotherium" appeared in "Walking with Beasts", although in some dubs, or in translations of the series' companion book, it was called Brontothere.


*Barry Cox, Colin Harrison, R.J.G. Savage, and Brian Gardiner. (1999): The Simon & Schuster Encyclopedia of Dinosaurs and Prehistoric Creatures: A Visual Who's Who of Prehistoric Life. Simon & Schuster.
*Haines, Tim & Chambers, Paul. (2006)The Complete Guide to Prehistoric Life. Canada: Firefly Books Ltd.
*Haines, Tim. (2001): Walking with Beasts: a Prehistoric safari. BBC books.
*David Norman. (2001): The Big Book Of Dinosaurs. page 204, Walcome books.

External links

* [http://www.bbc.co.uk/beasts/evidence/prog2/page4_2.shtml BBC Online]
* [http://www.abc.net.au/beasts/factfiles/factfiles/brontothere.htm Fact File description]

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

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