Steingrímur J. Sigfússon

Steingrímur J. Sigfússon

Steingrímur Jóhann Sigfússon (born August 4, 1955) is a member of the Icelandic parliament, the Alþingi since 1983, and the chairman of the Left-Green Movement (Vinstri hreyfingin - grænt framboð). He was the Minister for Agriculture and Transport from 1988-1991.

He supported the end of US military presence in Iceland, but believed Iceland itself should have take the initiative in ending this presence. Since September 2006, when the US left the Keflavík airbase, he has strongly opposed any possible development of an Icelandic army seeing the country's need for armed forces as practically non-existent. Civilian institutions such as the police and the coast guard should be organized in order to provide the needed protection in the unlikely event of a major disturbance. []

On January 16, 2006, Steingrímur was injured in a car accident not far from Blönduós, Iceland. He has now recovered.

In 2006, he published the book "Við öll – Íslenskt velferðarsamfélag á tímamótum" (All of Us - Icelandic Welfare Society at Crossroads), laying out his political ideology. [] []

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