Tour of Eritrea

Tour of Eritrea

Infobox Cycling race
name = Tour of Eritrea

date = February 9 to February 16 (2007)
region = Eritrea
english = Tour of Eritrea
localnames = ዙር ኤርትራ (Tigrinya)
nickname =
discipline = Road race
competition =
type = Multi-stage
organiser = Eritrean National Cycling Federation
director = Aklilu Lijam
first = 1946| number = 8
last =
firstwinner =
mostwins = flagicon|ERI Habte Weldesimon
: "3 times"
mostrecent = flagicon|ERI Merhawi Ghebrehiwot

The Tour of Eritrea (also, Italian: Giro d'Eritrea Tigrinya: ዙር ኤርትራ) is a multiday, bicycle race held throughout Eritrea. The first race was held in 1946. In 2001 after a fifty-five year long hiatus, the Tour was resurrected.

Though since the Colonial period the route has changed, today it is a 700 mile race contended in 10 stages. [cite news|title=Riders on the sandstorm|url=,,1830595,00.html|date=2006-07-30|accessdate=2006-12-19|publisher=The Observer] The race covers various geographic regions, including the desert lowlands, the chilly highlands and windy coast. [cite web|url=|title=Corso, a Life Line of Asmarino Youths|accessdate=2006-12-19]


During the Tour, the previous stage's winner is awarded a blue jersey in recognition of their achievement. [cite news|url=|title=Abraham Belay Dons Blue Jersey as He Sets a New Record in Winning Latest Stage|date=2007-02-14|first=Daniel|last=Andemichael|accessdate=2007-02-14] A red jersey is awarded to those who win the climbing contest while the yellow jersey is worn by the overall Tour leader. [cite web|url=|title=Summary of Tour De Eritrea: EriTel wins Fifth Consecutive Victory|accessdate=2007-03-12]

Tour winners

title=Tour of Eritrea Winners
headers=Year !! Country !! Rider
row1=1946 !! flagicon|ITA !!
row2=2001 !! flagicon|ERI !! Habte Weldesimon
row3=2002 !! flagicon|ERI !! Michael Tekle
row4=2003 !! flagicon|ERI !! Habte Weldesimon
row5=2004 !! flagicon|ERI !! Habte Weldesimon
row6=2005 !! flagicon|ERI !! Michael Teku
row7=2006 !! flagicon|ERI !! Michael Misgane
row8=2007 !! flagicon|ERI !! Merhawi Ghebrehiwot
row9=2008 !! flagicon|ERI !! Merhawi Ghebrehiwot


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