- Ungnadia speciosa
image_caption = Mexican Buckeye flowers
regnum =Plantae
unranked_divisio =Angiosperms
unranked_classis =Eudicots
unranked_ordo =Rosids
ordo =Sapindales
familia =Sapindaceae
genus = "Ungnadia"
genus_authority = Endl.
species = "U. speciosa"
binomial = "Ungnadia speciosa"
binomial_authority = Endl.|The Mexican Buckeye "Ungnadia speciosa" is a
shrub or smalltree native to northeasternMexico and adjacent westernTexas and southernNew Mexico in theUSA . It ismonotypic , the only species in the genus "Ungnadia".It differs from the buckeyes in the related genus "
Aesculus " in having alternate, pinnate leaves with 5-7 leaflets, but theflower s and nuts are similar. Another similar related genus is theSoapberry "Sapindus ".
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