Khorlo — (Tib. : འཁོར་ལོ་; Khor lo) significa: rueda , redondo , mandala , chakra , Samsara . Khorlo es el elemento léxico de uso común para referirse a chakra (en sánscrito) en la literatura tibetana. Khorlo también se utiliza para denotar mandala… … Wikipedia Español
Prayer wheel — Prayer wheels in Swayambhunath, Nepal … Wikipedia
Rueda de plegaria — Ruedas de plegaria en Swayambhunath, Nepal … Wikipedia Español
Crestone, Colorado — Town of Crestone, Colorado Town Location in … Wikipedia
Longde — (kLong sde) is the name of one of three scriptural divisions within Atiyoga, also known as Dzogchen or the Great Perfection which is itself the pinnacle of the ninefold division of practice according to the Nyingma school of Tibetan Buddhism. The … Wikipedia
Pema Rigdzin, 1st Dzogchen Rinpoche — Pema Rigdzin (b.1623) was the 1st Dzogchen Rinpoche of Tibet and a disciple of the Fifth Dalai Lama. The mindstream (Sanskirt: citta santana ) of Pema Rigdzin has resolved to continue to return to the Three Worlds (Sanskrit: triloka ) to engage… … Wikipedia
Flag of Sikkim — The national flag of Sikkim consisted of a Buddhist khorlo prayer wheel as the central element. Until 1967, the previous flag showed a very complex design with a fanciful border and religious pictograms next to the khorlo.A more simple design was … Wikipedia
Chakra — For other uses, see Chakra (disambiguation). Coloured Chakras with Descriptions … Wikipedia
Bhutanese ngultrum — (Dzongkha) … Wikipedia
Tummo — (Tibetan: gtum mo ; Sanskrit: caṇḍalī ) is a practice associated with the subtle body of energy channels, energy winds and energy drops. The practices are taught in a suite of advanced sadhana , such as the Six yogas of Naropa, which are… … Wikipedia