
Studio album by NON
Released 1995
Genre Noise Industrial
Label Mute
NON chronology
In the Shadow of the Sword
Heaven Sent

Might! is a 1995 album of Boyd Rice's NON.

It was released by Mute Records (UK) on CD and LP. It consists of excerpts from Ragnar Redbear's Might is Right read over noise music.

Track listing

  1. "No Nirvana (prelude)"
  2. "Ye Who Fall"
  3. "Credo"
  4. "Ultimatum"
  5. "Force"
  6. "Deletion"
  7. "Warring Atoms"
  8. "Evolution"
  9. "No Nirvana"
  10. "The Immolation Of Man"
  11. "Logic Of The Spheres"
  12. "Great Destroyers"

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  • Might — Might, n. [AS. meaht, miht, from the root of magan to be able, E. may; akin to D. magt, OS. maht, G. macht, Icel. m[=a]ttr, Goth. mahts. [root]103. See {May}, v.] Force or power of any kind, whether of body or mind; energy or intensity of purpose …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Might — may refer to: Might, an English auxiliary verb, a verb whose function it is to give further semantic or syntactic information about the main or full verb which follows it Might , a song by Modest Mouse from their 1996 album This Is a Long Drive… …   Wikipedia

  • might — Ⅰ. might [1] ► MODAL VERB (3rd sing. present might) past of MAY(Cf. ↑may). 1) used to express possibility or make a suggestion. 2) used politely or tentatively in questions and requests. Ⅱ. might …   English terms dictionary

  • might — might1 [mīt] v.aux. [ME mihte < OE, akin to Ger möchte] 1. pt. of MAY1 2. used as a modal auxiliary in verbal phrases with present or future time reference, generally equivalent to MAY1 in meaning and use, with the following functions: a)… …   English World dictionary

  • might|y — «MY tee», adjective, might|i|er, might|i|est, adverb, noun, plural might|ies. –adj. 1. showing strength or power; powerful; …   Useful english dictionary

  • Might — (m[imac]t), imp. of {May}. [AS. meahte, mihte.] [1913 Webster] …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • might — I noun authoritativeness, brawn, durability, efficacy, energy, force, greatness, influence, intensity, main force, mightiness, muscle, potency, potential, powerfulness, prowess, puissance, robustness, severity, sinew, strength, sturdiness,… …   Law dictionary

  • might — n strength, energy, *power, force, puissance Analogous words: vigorousness or vigor, strenuousness, energeticness, lustiness (see corresponding adjectives at VIGOROUS): potency, powerfulness, forcibleness, forcefulness (see corresponding… …   New Dictionary of Synonyms

  • might — [n] ability, power adequacy, arm, authority, capability, capacity, clout, command, competence, control, domination, efficacy, efficiency, energy, force, forcefulness, forcibleness, get up and go*, jurisdiction, lustiness, mastery, moxie*, muscle* …   New thesaurus

  • might|i|ly — «MY tuh lee», adverb. 1. in a mighty manner; powerfully; vigorously: »Samson strove mightily and pulled the pillars down. 2. very much; greatly: »We were mightily pleased at winning …   Useful english dictionary

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