

Breton, or its feminine form Bretonne, usually refers to:
*Breton people of Brittany
*The Breton language, a Celtic language spoken in Brittany and Loire-Atlantique
*"Breton", an adjective for things associated with Brittany

Breton may also refer to:


*André Breton (1896—1966), French author and surrealist theorist.
*Didier Breton, business executive
*Joel Breton (born 1971), game producer, entrepreneur and disc jockey
*Jules Adolphe Aime Louis Breton (1827—1906), French realist painter.
*Malan Breton (born 1973), American fashion designer
*Nicholas Breton, 16th century poet
*Thierry Breton (born 1955), the French Minister of Economy, Finance, and Industry.
*Tomás Bretón (1850—1923), Spanish musician and composer

Other uses

*Breton (Elder Scrolls), a race in "The Elder Scrolls" game series who are descendants of men and Elves
* "Breton", an alternative name for the Cabernet Franc red wine grape
*Breton (horse), A breed of horse.

ee also

*Briton (disambiguation)

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  • breton — breton, onne [ brətɔ̃, ɔn ] adj. et n. • bretun 1080; lat. Brito, onis 1 ♦ De Bretagne (province française). Les mégalithes bretons. Les coiffes bretonnes. Chapeau breton. Un lit clos breton. Gâteau breton. ⇒ far, galette. Crêpes bretonnes. Vache …   Encyclopédie Universelle

  • BRETON (A.) — «Qui suis je?» demandait André Breton au début d’un de ses livres les plus célèbres, Nadja . C’est son œuvre tout entière qui apporte la réponse, mais la question pour lui n’a jamais été close. Homme d’une ténacité exigeante dans ses choix… …   Encyclopédie Universelle

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