KINAH — (Heb. קִינָה; pl. קִינוֹת, kinot), poem expressing mourning, pain, and sorrow. One of the earliest poetic forms, it is also termed hesped (lamentation), from which developed, in the course of time, the customary prose eulogy over the dead (called … Encyclopedia of Judaism
Kinah — An elegy, a city in the extreme south of Judah (Josh. 15:22). It was probably not far from the Dead Sea, in the Wady Fikreh … Easton's Bible Dictionary
kinah — ki·nah … English syllables
kinahæl — ki|na|hæl sb., en, e, ene (lav kilehæl) … Dansk ordbog
kinah — … Useful english dictionary
kinah meter — noun : a Hebrew poetic meter typically having the line divided into two stichs with three stresses in the first stich and two stresses in the second … Useful english dictionary
JEALOUSY — Appearing some 80 times in the Bible, the root kna (qnʾ; קנא) in its various derivatives is, in the standard translations of the Bible, most often related to the notion of jealousy (or zeal ). More generally, it connotes any kind of emotional… … Encyclopedia of Judaism
MOSES BEN MEVORAKH — (12th century), leader of Egyptian Jewry. He was the nagid of Egyptian Jewry from c. 1110 to before 1141, having been appointed to the position after the death of his father, the nagid mevorakh . He was assisted by his two sons, Mevorakh and… … Encyclopedia of Judaism
MUSIC — This article is arranged according to the following outline: introduction written sources of direct and circumstantial evidence the material relics and iconography notated sources oral tradition archives and important collections of jewish music… … Encyclopedia of Judaism
Biblical poetry — The ancient Hebrews perceived that there were poetical portions in their sacred texts, as shown by their entitling as songs or chants such passages as Exodus 15:1 19 and Numbers 21:17 20; and a song or chant (shir) is, according to the primary… … Wikipedia