Sachsenhausen (Frankfurt am Main)

Sachsenhausen (Frankfurt am Main)

Sachsenhausen is a part of the city of Frankfurt, Germany. Composed of the two districts: Sachsenhausen-Nord and Sachsenhausen-Süd. It is located on the South bank of the Main river, right in the city center, opposite the Old Town.

Sachsenhausen was founded as Frankfurt's bridgehead in the 12th century. The oldest documents point to the year 1193. Unlike Frankfurt's own historic city center, which burned to the ground after British bombing in 1944, Sachsenhausen's old town is partly preserved. The Frankfurt youth hostel is located on its riverside. The population of Sachsenhausen is 55,422.

The River Main embankment hosts the city's largest flea market and some of Germany's best-known museums; it is also called the "Museum Embankment" (or Museumsufer). Here it is where the annual Museum-Embankment-Festival / Night of the Museums (or Museumsuferfest / Nacht der Museen), with all museums open throughout the night and discounted entrance fees as well as many open-air events in the streets, is held. Sachsenhausen is known for its vibrant nightlife sporting over two dozen bars, taverns and restaurants in the southern part's old town.

The main street of Sachsenhausen is "Schweizer Straße", a cosmopolitan boulevard with bars and two of Frankfurt's most traditional cider houses, "Zum gemalten Haus" and "Wagner". Ciderhouses that produce their own 'Apfelwein' (applewine) can be identified by the presence of a wreath of evergreen branches hanging outside the location or a similar image included on their signpost. The "Textorstraße" and the old town or 'Altstadt' have the best known ciderhouses in Frankfurt, but such pubs can be found all over southern Hesse. Orchards of the Sperling apple can be seen across the countryside and, reputedly, local law requires that Apfelwein be the cheapest alcoholic beverage on sale in any public house.

In addition, there is a brand new part of Sachsenhausen, built on the grounds of the old slaughterhouse area. Try to find the area from "Deutschherrnufer" numbered between 40 and 50. In the future the area will be located directly opposite the new buildings of the European Central Bank, which will be built on the other riverside.

Landmarks of Sachsenhausen are the Henninger Turm and the Goetheturm.

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