Writer Magazine/Emily Dickinson Award

Writer Magazine/Emily Dickinson Award

The Writer Magazine/Emily Dickinson Award is given once a year to a member of the Poetry Society of America for a poem "inspired by Dickinson" of no more than 30 lines. [http://www.poetrysociety.org/psa-awards_gdln.html] "PSA Annual Awards Guidelines" Web page at the Web site of the Poetry Society of America, accessed December18, 2006]

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The award is given by the PSA "to honor the memory and poetry of Emily Dickinson, for a poem inspired by Dickinson though not necessarily in her style."


*2006: Nicole Cooley, Judge: Gerald Stern
*2005: Lee Upton
*2004: Jason Schneiderman

*1995: Lola Haskins, for "Tuning"


ee also

* Poetry Society of America
* List of American literary awards
* List of poetry awards
* List of years in poetry

External links

* [http://www.poetrysociety.org/psa-awards.php] Poetry Society of America main awards Web page

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