- Playa Puerto Cruz
Playa Puerto Cruz, located near Pedro Gonzalez in
Isla Margarita ,Venezuela has a beach which is almost 1 km. long. With its white sands, intense colors, and little cold oceanic water, making it one of Margaritas most tourist loved beaches, another "attraction" in Playa Puerto Cruz is lighthouse of Punta Zaragoza, mounted on top of one of the two hills enclosing the Island. [http://good-times.webshots.com/photo/1297187241058302360lnjoiU] [http://www.flickr.com/photos/erfpm/101335272/] (pictures of lighthouse)Until the winter of 2004 (November) a small wooden tower stood on the beach near the many shops and the beach bar. (see picture below right)
Puerto Cruz has been the location of the making of numerous commercial films because of its long white sandy beach.
External links
* [http://www.margaritaislandvacation.info/beaches.htm Beaches of Margarita Island]
* [http://www.margaritaonline.com/pages2/DetallePlayas/PurtoCruz.htm Margarita online page on Puerto Cruz.]
* Satellite image of the area [http://www.margaritaislandbeaches.info/maps/puertocruz.php]
*Google Satellitehttp://maps.google.co.uk/maps?f=q&hl=en&q=11%C2%B007%27N+63%C2%B056%27W&ie=UTF8&z=16&ll=11.124865,-63.927727&spn=0.00979,0.021501&t=k&om=1]
Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.