Gianni Hayes

Gianni Hayes

Dr. Gianni DeVincent Hayes has been writing professionally for over twenty years, having earned her Ph.D in English, creative writing and world/comparative literature studies from the University of Maryland, College Park, with a concentration in the humanities.


Hayes, who writes under several pen names, has over 100 articles and short stories published in major newspapers and national magazines such as "Woman’s Day", "Redbook", "US", "People", "Brides", "Parade", "Writers Digest", and many others, including books published by royalty houses, as well as others in electronic form. She has appeared in nation-wide newspapers and magazines, and on dozens of national radio and television shows, including the A&E channel program "Biography".

Hayes has written 14 novels and nonfiction books, plus two rewrites. She also writes screenplays, one of which had been optioned. Additionally, Hayes is a traditional and an online syndicated columnist for 22 newspapers, nationally and internationally. Hayes also hosts a live radio show on The American Voice Station ( on Wednesday evenings from 8:00-10:00pm EST, which features authors, celebrities, politicians, and other individuals. She founded The Writers Bloc, Inc. in 1992.

Academic Achievements

Both her masters were earned at Duquesne University, in scientific research and educational administration and technology. Hayes's Bachelor’s degree was granted from Gannon University in biology/chemistry, where she was honored with "The Distinguished Alumni Award". Additionally, she attended the University of Pittsburgh for two years where she earned The Letter of Highest Commendation, and has been endowed to the University of Rochester’s writing program for five summers, as well as to Middlebury College’s prestigious Bread Loaf Writing Program. In 2006, Hayes opened a drug/alcohol testing company.

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