

Infobox mineral
name = Phosphophyllite
category =
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formula = hydrated zinc phosphate Zn2(Fe,Mn)(PO4)2•4H2O
molweight = 448.40 g mol-1
color = blue-green to colourless
habit = prismatic
system = monoclinic
twinning = common
cleavage = [100] Perfect, [010] Distinct, [102] Distinct
fracture = conchoidal
mohs = 3.5
luster = vitreous
refractive = 1.59-1.62
opticalprop =
birefringence = 0.021
pleochroism =
streak = white
gravity = 3.1
density =
melt =
fusibility =
diagnostic =
solubility =
diaphaneity = transparent
other =

Phosphophyllite is a rare mineral composed of hydrated zinc phosphate. Its name derives from its chemical composition (phosphate) and the Greek word for "leaf", "phyllon", a reference to its cleavage. [cite web
last =
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title = Phosphophyllite
work =
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doi =
accessdate = 2006-12-16
] It is highly prized by collectors for its rarity and for its delicate bluish green colour. Phosphophyllite is rarely cut because it is fragile and brittle, and large crystals are too valuable to be broken up. [cite book
last = Hall
first = Cally
authorlink =
coauthors =
title = Gemstones
publisher = Dorling Kindersley
date = 1994
location = Great Britain
pages = 127
url =
doi =
id = ISBN 0-7513-1026-3

The finest phosphophyllite crystals come from Potosí, Bolivia, but it is no longer mined there. Other sources include New Hampshire, USA and Hagendorf, Bavaria, Germany. It is often found in association with the minerals chalcopyrite and triphylite. [cite web
last =
first =
authorlink =
coauthors =
title = The mineral phosphophyllite
work =
publisher = Amethyst Galleries, Inc
date =
url =
format =
doi =
accessdate = 2006-12-16


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