Hugo Steinhaus

Hugo Steinhaus

name = Hugo Steinhaus

image_width = 300px
caption = Hugo Steinhaus (1968)
birth_date = birth date|1887|1|14|mf=y
birth_place = Jasło (today in Poland), Austria-Hungary
death_date = death date and age|1972|2|25|1887|1|14|mf=y
death_place = Wrocław, Poland
residence =
nationality =
field = Mathematician and mathematics populariser
work_institutions = Lwów University Wrocław University
University of Notre Dame
University of Sussex
alma_mater = Lwów University
Göttingen University
doctoral_advisor = David Hilbert
doctoral_students = Stefan Banach
Mark Kac
Juliusz Schauder
Stanisław Trybula
Władysław Orlicz
known_for = Banach-Steinhaus theorem
One-seventh area triangle
prizes =
religion =

Władysław Hugo Dionizy Steinhaus (January 14, 1887 – February 25, 1972) was a Polish mathematician and educator.


Steinhaus was born in Jasło, Austria-Hungary (now in Poland) to a Jewish family, and received his Ph.D. from Göttingen University.He was a professor at the Universities of Lwów (1920–41) and Wrocław (1945–61), the University of Notre Dame (Indiana, USA, 1961–62), and the University of Sussex (1966), and a corresponding member of "PAU" (the Polish Academy of Learning) from 1945 and "PAN" (the Polish Academy of Sciences) from 1952, and of many international scientific societies and science academies.

He co-founded the Lwów School of Mathematics and authored over 170 works in mathematical analysis, probability theory and statistics.

His doctoral thesis was completed under the supervision of David Hilbert.

He described mathematics as a "science of nonexistent things."

Chief works

*"Czym jest, a czym nie jest matematyka" (What Mathematics Is, and What It Is Not, 1923).
*"Theorie der Orthogonalreihen" (with Stefan Kaczmarz, 1935).
*"Kalejdoskop matematyczny" (A Mathematical Kaleidoscope, 1938).
*"Mathematical Snapshots" (1939).
*"Taksonomia wrocławska" (A Wroclaw Taxonomy; with others, 1951).
*"Sur la liaison et la division des points d'un ensemble fini" (with others, 1951).
*"Sto zadań" (A Hundred Problems, 1958).
*"One Hundred Problems In Elementary Mathematics" (1964).
*"Orzeł czy reszka" (Heads or Tails, 1961).
*"Słownik racjonalny" (A Rational Dictionary, 1980).

He founded "Studia Mathematica" with Stefan Banach (1929), and "Zastosowania matematyki" (Applications of Mathematics, 1953).

ee also

* puzzles
* Steinhaus polygon notation
* BanachSteinhaus theorem
* Freiling's axiom of symmetry


* Kazimierz Kuratowski, "A Half Century of Polish Mathematics: Remembrances and Reflections", Oxford, Pergamon Press, 1980, ISBN 0-08-023046-6, pp. 173–79 "et passim".
* Hugo Steinhaus, "Mathematical Snapshots", second edition, Oxford, 1951, blurb.

External links


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