- Flame angel
regnum =Animal ia
phylum = Chordata
classis =Actinopterygii
ordo =Perciformes
familia =Pomacanthidae
genus = "Centropyge "
species = "C. loricula"
binomial = "Centropyge loricula"
binomial_authority = (Günther, 1874)The flame angel, "Centropyge loricula", is a
marine angelfish of the familyPomacanthidae found intropical waters of thePacific Ocean at depths of between 15 and 60 m. Its length is up to 15 cm.The flame angel is found in clear lagoon and seaward reefs from the lower surge zone to a depth of 60 m. It is secretive and stays near shelter. It feeds on
alga e and forms harems of 3 to 7 individuals.Coloration is bright orange-red with a vertical elongate black blotch and 4 or 5 bars on the sides, the posterior part of the dorsal and
anal fin s with alternating short purple-blue and black bands. Specimens from theMarquesas lack the vertical black bars.In the aquarium
It has been reared in captivity. Frequently exported through the aquarium trade.
In captivity, this species feeds on a variety of food including live brine shrimp, frozen meaty foods as well as spirulina, seaweed sheets and pellets. Easy to feed.
The Flame Angel is known to be shy upon introduction to an established aquarium (especially smaller specimens) but within a week will gain confidence and is then constantly seen grazing around live rock during the day. Will fight with other fish if challenged for space or kept with similar species (dwarf angels) in a small tank. Some texts advise that this should be a final addition to a tank.
It is found in various reefs of Oceania, most common in Marshall, Line, and Cook Islands. The fish is also, although less commonly, found in the Hawaiian islands.
Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.