Barry Soper

Barry Soper

Barry Soper (born in Gore, New Zealand) is a New Zealand political journalist, and has featured regularly on radio and television since the 1970s.

Currently, Soper's main role is that of political editor of Newstalk ZB, a radio network in New Zealand. Through its agreement with Prime Television, Soper appears as the political editor for the TV network on its nightly broadcasts. He is also one of the 'You've Got Male' panellists on TV One's "Good Morning", one of the few presenters on the show who is permitted to appear on rival networks.

In 2001, Soper was named Individual Radio Journalist of the Year at the Radio Awards. [cite web|title=2001 Radio Awards Finalists|url=|work=RadioStationWorld |accessdate=2007-12-13]

Soper himself made the news in July 2006 during the visit of Foreign Minister Winston Peters to Washington, DC, where Peters singled out Soper for his alleged behaviour during the trip. Soper himself reported that Peters' own behaviour was outside what would reasonably be expected of a politician during an international visit. [cite web|first=Mike|last=Houlahan|title=US senator caught in Peters' media war|url=|date=July 20, 2006|work=New Zealand Herald|accessdate=2007-12-13]

He is based in Wellington, New Zealand.


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