

Kuthayyir ibn 'Abd al-Rahman al-Mulahi (ca. 660-ca. 723), commonly known as Kuthayyir 'Azza ( _ar. كثيّر عزّة) was an Arab 'Udhri poet of the Umayyad period from the tribe of Azd. [Ibn Khallikan. "wafayat alayan" p. 524. [http://www.alwaraq.net alwarraq edition] .] He was born in Madina and resided in Hijaz and Egypt. In his poems he was occupied with his unfullfilled love to a married woman named 'Azza. Favorite topics in his poetry are love and panegyrics. He made acquaintance of the governor 'Abd al-'Aziz ibn Marwan and the caliphs Abd al-Malik, Umar ibn Abd al-Aziz and Yazid II. [Starkey and Meisami. "Encyclopedia of Arabic Literature", Routledge, 1998.] He is mentioned as one of the followers of the now-extinct Kaysaniyya sect of Shi'ism, which held that Ali's third son Muhammad ibn Al-Hanafiyya would return as the Mahdi. [Morony, Michael G. "Iraq After the Muslim Conquest". p. 491-492.]


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*List of Arabic language poets

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