Bronze of Levante

Bronze of Levante

Bronze of Levante ( _es. Bronce de Levante) is the name of the proto-Iberian culture extending approximately by the Land of Valencia in the 2nd millennium BCE. It is contemporary of the culture of El Argar by which it is strongly influenced.

Between c. 1500 and 1300 BCE, the people of this culture colonized La Mancha with military constructions called "Motillas".

p1=Iberia Bronze.gif|c1=Bronze of Levante c. 1500 BCE
p2=Iberia Late Bronze.gif|c2=Bronze of Levante after 1300 BCE
List of all mentioned in this article archaeological cultures:
*Vila Nova de Sao Pedro (VNSP)
*El Argar
*Astur-Cantabrian Bronze
*Galician Bronze
*Western Bronze
*Slabs of Extremadura
*Alentejan Late Bronze
*Western Andalusian Late Bronze
*Bronze of Levante
*Urnfields culture
*Balearic Megalithism

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