Otto-Klung-Weberbank Prize

Otto-Klung-Weberbank Prize

The Otto-Klung-Weberbank Prize is an annual German science award for young scientists in Germany.

The prize is awarded annually, alternating between Chemistry and Physics. From 1973 to 2000, it was known as the Otto-Klung Prize, taking the current name when Weberbank began sponsoring the prize in 2001. The prize fund is one of the largest in Germany.


1979 Theodor W. Hänsch
1980 Helmut Schwarz
1981 Gerhard Mack
1982 Wolfgang A. Herrmann
1983 Gerd K. Binnig
1984 Martin Quack
1985 Horst Ludwig Störmer
1986 Hartmut Michel
1987 Johann Georg Bednorz
1988 Gerhard Bringmann
1989 Gisela Schütz
1990 Klaus Rademann
1991 Hermann Nicolai
1992 Stefan Jentsch
1993 Karl Dieter Weiss
1994 Wolfgang Schnick
1995 Thomas Elsässer
1996 Carsten Bolm
1997 Stephan Schiller
1998 Michael Famulok
1999 Roland Ketzmerick
2000 Matthias Driess
2001 Jan Hendrik Schön (prize withdrawn)
2002 Tom Tuschl
2003 Joachim P. Spatz
2004 Peter H. Seeberger
2005 Markus Greiner
2006 Ingo Krossing
2007 Martin Zwierlein
2008 Frank Neese
2009 Volker Springel
2010 Stefan Hecht

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Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

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