Liebenzell Mission

Liebenzell Mission

The Liebenzell Mission is a cluster of like-minded Evangelical mission organizations in Austria, Canada, Germany, Hungary, Japan, Korea, the Netherlands, Switzerland, and the United States. With roots in German Pietism, their missionaries are involved in Bible translation, church planting, education, evangelism, pastoral ministry, media outreach, pastoral formation, medical care, and community development in 26 countries. There are about 220 missionaries. Liebenzell Germany is the largest of the organizations. They have a seminary, a brother and sisterhood, a fellowship of deaconesses, a large retreat center, and a literature distribution ministry headquartered in Bad Liebenzell.

Pacific Islands Bible College on Guam and in Micronesia was founded by and is still staffed by Liebenzell missionaries.

External links

* [ Liebenzell Canada]
* [ Liebenzeller Mission Germany]
* [ Liebenzelli Misszió Hungary]
* [ Liebenzell Japan]
* [ Liebenzell Mission Nederland Netherlands]
* [ Liebenzeller Mission Schweiz Switzerland]
* [ Liebenzell USA]
* [ Pacific Islands Bible College] -- Liebenzell related school on Guam and in Micronesia

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