

Stapar (Стапар) is a village in Serbia. It is situated in the Sombor municipality, in the West Bačka District, Vojvodina province. The village has a Serb ethnic majority and its population numbering 3,720 people (2002 census).


Stapar was founded in 1752 when it was settled by inhabitants of Bokčenovići and Vranješevo, and later by the inhabitants of Prigrevica as well. Villages of Bokčenovići and Vranješevo were formerly situated near Apatin, but they do not exist any more. First large colonization of Germans into Bačka was started in 1748. Inhabitants of Bokčenovići and Vranješevo, under the command of Tanasko Lazić, something of a hero of War of the Austrian Succession started to attack mostly Hungarian ships on the Danube that transported Germans with intention to ransack them. During the looting, they also killed some German colonists, thus they were called "the pirates of the Danube". Following the order of Maria Theresa, they were evicted from their settlements and were settled in present-day Stapar. It should be noted that this was the third order issued - due to his reputation, Tanasko Lazić gained the audience of the Empress twice and was successful in appealing orders. After pressure from Hungarians, whose shipping on Danube was suffering economic losses due to these attacks and plans for establishment of the town of Apatin as a port on Danube and a predominantly German settlement, no further appeal was granted. Eleven years later, 73 families from Prigrevica settled in Stapar as well.

Historical population

*1961: 4,582
*1971: 4,242
*1981: 3,988
*1991: 3,795


*Slobodan Ćurčić, Broj stanovnika Vojvodine, Novi Sad, 1996.Branislav Ćurčić, Stapar i njegova istorija, Sombor 1913.

ee also

*List of places in Serbia
*List of cities, towns and villages in Vojvodina

External links

* [ Stapar]
* [ Stapar]

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