- J. Gordon Edwards (entomologist and mountaineer)
J. Gordon Edwards (1919-2004) was an
entomologist , mountain climber, author, andpark ranger . Edwards was professor, and later emeritus professor of Biology,San Jose State University . He died onJuly 19 of a heart attack while hiking upDivide Mountain with his wife, Alice. He was 84.DDT and environmental issues
Edwards was prominent as a supporter of the use of
DDT and critic ofRachel Carson . He was active as a member of, or consultant for, a wide range of lobby groups opposed to environmental regulation, including theAmerican Council on Science and Health . According to Edwards, he was also active as a member of several environmental groups such as theSierra Club (which published one of his books,) and theAudubon Society . [http://www.21stcenturysciencetech.com/articles/summ02/Carson.html] Edwards was a fellow of theCalifornia Academy of Sciences . He has published his ideas in "21st Century Science and Technology ", a publication of the Lyndon LaRouche Movement. [http://www.21stcenturysciencetech.com/sample.html] He was co-author, withSteven Milloy of "100 things you should know about DDT". [http://junkscience.com/ddtfaq.htm]Edwards insisted that "no human beings have ever been harmed by DDT." According to 21st Century Science and Technology, a photograph appeared in the September, 1971 issue of "
Esquire magazine ", showing Edwards eating a teaspoon full of DDT, which he claimed to do on a weekly basis to demonstrate the lack of toxicity of DDT for humans andvertebrate animals. Because of its role in preventing the spread of insect-borne diseases, Edwards asserted that "DDT has saved more millions of lives than any other man-made chemical." [http://www.21stcenturysciencetech.com/articles/Fall02/Mosquitoes.html]Mountaineering
Edwards was given the unofficial title of patron saint of climbing in
Glacier National Park (U.S.) .Fact|date=September 2008His "A Climber's Guide to Glacier National Park" (ISBN 0-87842-177-7) was first published by the Sierra Club in 1960. [http://www.amazon.com/dp/B0007DN9LW]
External links
* [http://www.blogofdeath.com/archives/001101.html Obit and memorials of Edwards on "Blog of death"]
* [http://www.new-cue.org/quetchenbach%20thoreau%20ASLE.pdf Gordon Edwards, Rachel Carson and DDT] (criticism of "The Lies of Rachel Carson" by Bernard Quetchenbach)
* [http://www.worldnetdaily.com/news/article.asp?ARTICLE_ID=45063 DDT-eating scientist exposes eco-fraud] -Jack Cashill , excerpted from his book "Hoodwinked: How Intellectual Hucksters Have Hijacked American Culture"
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