

The loure, also known as the gigue lente or slow gigue, is a French Baroque dance, probably invented in Normandy and named after the sound of the instrument of the same name (a type of "musette").

The loure is a dance of slow or moderate tempo and in ternary meter (6/8, 3/4, or 6/4). The weight is on beat 1, which is further strengthened by the preceding anacrusis that begins the traditional loure.

In his Musicalisches Lexicon (Leipzig, 1732), Johann Gottfried Walthers wrote that the loure "is slow and ceremonious; the first note of each half-measure is dotted which should be well observed" [Bach. "The French Suites: Embellished version". Barenreiter Urtext] .

Examples of loures are found in the works of Lully (e.g., "Alceste") and of Bach (e.g.: "French Suite" No. 5 [N. B., however, that in the Bach-Gesellschaft edition of Bach, reprinted by Dover, the Loure is incorrectly called "Bourée II."Fact|date=February 2007] and the Partita No. 3 for violin solo).

Louré also refers to a bow technique on string instruments (see Playing the violin#Bowing techniques).


External links

* [http://www.music.vt.edu/musicdictionary/textl/Loure.html Loure in Virginia Tech Multimedia Music Dictionary (including pronunciation)]

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