pear drop — noun : a drop (as a jewel or a candy) that is shaped like a pear * * * pear drop noun 1. A pear shaped pendant 2. A sweet shaped and flavoured like a pear • • • Main Entry: ↑pear * * * pear drop, 1. a pear shaped candy, usually flavored with a… … Useful english dictionary
pear-drop — ˈ ̷ ̷ˌ ̷ ̷ adjective Etymology: pear drop : having the shape of a pear used of handles on furniture and also of supports for small arches employed in place of pillars in the 18th century … Useful english dictionary
pear drop — /ˈpɛə drɒp/ (say pair drop) noun 1. a pear shaped pendant. 2. a fruit flavoured sweet in the shape of a pear …
pear drop — noun a pear shaped boiled sweet with a pungently sweet flavour … English new terms dictionary
drop — n. & v. n. 1 a a small round or pear shaped portion of liquid that hangs or falls or adheres to a surface (drops of dew; tears fell in large drops). b a very small amount of usu. drinkable liquid (just a drop left in the glass). c a glass etc. of … Useful english dictionary
pear — n. 1 a yellowish or brownish green fleshy fruit, tapering towards the stalk. 2 any of various trees of the genus Pyrus bearing it, esp. P. communis. Phrases and idioms: pear drop a small sweet with the shape of a pear. Etymology: OE pere, peru… … Useful english dictionary
drop — ► VERB (dropped, dropping) 1) fall or cause to fall. 2) sink to the ground. 3) make or become lower, weaker, or less. 4) abandon or discontinue. 5) (often drop off) set down or unload (a passenger or goods) … English terms dictionary
drop — verb (drops, dropping, dropped) 1》 fall or cause to fall vertically. ↘deliver by parachute. ↘sink to or towards the ground. ↘informal collapse from exhaustion. 2》 make or become lower, weaker, or less. ↘lose (a point, a match, etc … English new terms dictionary
drop cut — ▪ gem cut method of faceting gemstones into a pear shape suitable for pendants, earrings, and other jewelry. A pendeloque is a pear shaped modification of the round brilliant cut used for diamonds. A briolette is an elongated, pear shaped… … Universalium
Humbug (sweet) — Mint humbugs Humbugs are a traditional hard boiled sweet available in the United Kingdom,[1] Ireland, Canada, Australia and New Zealand. They are usually flavoured with peppermint … Wikipedia