- T. M. Preble
Thomas M. Preble (1810–1907) was a
Free Will Baptist minister inNew Hampshire and a Millerite preacher. After accepting the teachings of William Miller, Preble was excommunicated from his church. Preble appears to have accepted the seventh-day Sabbath in 1844, possibly fromFrederick Wheeler or someone associated with the Washington, New Hampshire, church.Preble was the first Millerite to advocate the Sabbath in print. In the Feb. 28, 1845, issue of the "Hope of Israel", a Seventh-day Adventist periodical in Portland,
Maine , was reprinted in tract form in March, 1845, with the title, "Tract, Showing That the Seventh Day Should be Observed as the Sabbath." This tract led to the conversion ofJ. N. Andrews and other Adventist families in Paris, Maine, as well as to Joseph Bates.Preble is known to have kept the seventh day Sabbath until mid-1847. He later repudiated the Sabbath and opposed the Seventh-day Adventists.
See also
*History of the Seventh-day Adventist Church External links
* " [http://www.aloha.net/~mikesch/tract.htm A Tract, Showing that the Seventh Day Should be Observed as the Sabbath, Instead of the First Day; "According to the Commandment."] " by T. M. Preble
* "The
Seventh-day Adventist Encyclopedia ", 1996 ed., has a helpful biographical entry on T. M. Preble.
*Ellen G. White Estate 's "Legacy of Light" CD-ROM.
Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.