Sgian dubh

Sgian dubh

The sgian dubh (pronounced|skiːn dyː, or lightly diphthongised IPA| [skiən dyː] "skee(a)n doo") is a ceremonial knife (Gaelic "sgian") worn as part of the modern Scottish Highland dress along with the kilt. It is worn tucked into the hose with only the pommel visible. The sgian dubh is normally worn on the right leg, but can also be worn on the left, depending on whether the wearer is right or left-handed.

Etymology and spelling

The name comes from the Gaelic "sgian dubh" meaning "black knife", where "black" may refer to the usual colour of the handle of the knife. It is also suggested that "black" means secret, or hidden, as in the word "blackmail". This is based on the stories and theories surrounding the knife's origin and the meaning of "Dubh" in Gaelic, in particular those associated with the Highland custom of depositing weapons at the entrance to a house prior to entering as a guest. Despite this practice, a small twin edged-dagger, ('Mattucashlass'), concealed under the armpit, combined with a smaller knife, ('Sgian dubh'), concealed in the hose or boot, would offer an element of defence or of surprise if employed in attack. An alternative theory is that the name is derived from the use of bog oak as a handle for the knife, with bog oak traditionally being a black colour.Fact|date=March 2008

Various alternative spellings are found in English, including "skene-dhu" and "skean-dhu". ["skene1" "Oxford English Dictionary". 2nd edition, 1989. [] (subscription required).]


The sgian dubh may have evolved from the "sgian achlais", a dagger that could be concealed under the armpit. Used by the Scots of the 17th and 18th centuries, this knife was slightly larger than the average modern sgian dubh and was carried in the upper sleeve or lining of the body of the jacket.

Courtesy and etiquette would demand that when entering the home of a friend, any concealed weapons would be revealed. It follows that the "sgian achlais" would be removed from its hiding-place and displayed in the stocking top held securely by the garters.Fact|date=April 2008

The sgian dubh also resembles the small skinning knife that is part of the typical set of hunting knives. These sets contain a butchering knife with a convert|9|to|10|in|mm blade, and a skinner with a blade of about convert|4|in|mm. These knives usually had antler handles, as do many early sgian dubhs. The larger knife is likely the ancestor of the modern dirk.Fact|date=April 2008

The sgian dubh can be seen in portraits of kilted men of the mid 1800s. A portrait by Sir Henry Raeburn of Colonel Alasdair Ranaldson MacDonell of Glengarry hangs in the National Gallery of Scotland; it shows hanging from his belt on his right hand side a sheath holding nested huntinives, and visible at the top of his right stocking what appears to be a nested set of two sgian dubhs. A similar sgian dubh is in the collection of The National Museum of Antiquities of Scotland.


The early blades varied in construction, some having a "clipped" (famously found on the Bowie knife) or "drop" point. The "spear-point" tip has now become universal. Scalloped filework on the back of the blade is common on all Scottish knives. A short blade of convert|3|to|3.5|in|mm is typical.Fact|date=April 2008

Since the modern wearer of the sgian dubh does not intend the blade for cutting food or self-defence, blades are now of a simple (but not unglamorous) construction. These are typically stamped from brass and nickel-plated. The basic handles are plastic fitted with plated castings with synthetic decorative stones. Some are not even knives at all, but a plastic handle and sheath cast as one piece. Some blades however, are luxurious and expensive art pieces, made from solid silver or Damascus steel. Blades can be etched with family crests, Masonic or regimental symbols.

The scabbards are reinforced with wood and fitted with decorative ends, and can also have crests and symbols. While this makes for more popular and expensive knives, the sheath is hidden from view in the stocking while the sgian dubh is worn.


In areas with "zero tolerance" weapons policies, or heightened security concerns, the wearing of the sgian dubh as part of traditional Scottish dress has sometimes created controversy. The sgian dubh has been banned on a number of occasions in the USA [ [ BBC News | SCOTLAND | US knife row student faces another wait ] ] and even in Scotland [ [ Top private school bans sgian-dubhs ahead of Christmas dance - News ] ] .

As with many other knives and cutting tools, air travellers have to put their sgian dubh in checked baggage.

In the United Kingdom, it is legal under the Criminal Justice Act 1988 (section 139) [ [ Criminal Justice Act 1988 (c. 33) ] ] and the Offensive Weapons Act 1996 (section 3 and 4) [ [ Offensive Weapons Act 1996 (c. 26) ] ] for someone wearing the national costume of Scotland to carry a Sgian Dubh - see knife legislation.

ee also



External links

* [ The Sgian Dubh] (Joe D. Huddleston)
* [ The Skean Dhu] (Scotland for Visitors)

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