African sculpture

African sculpture

Sculptures are created and symbolized to reflect that of the region that they are made in. From the materials and techniques used to create the piece to the function of the sculpture are very different from region to region.

In West Africa the figures have elongated bodies, angular shapes, and facial features that represent an ideal rather than an individual. These figures are used in religious rituals and the surface is often coated with materials placed on them in ceremonial offerings. In contrast to these sculptures are the ones of Mande-speaking peoples of West Africa. Their sculptures are made of wood and have broad, flat surfaces while the arms and legs are shaped like cylinders.

In Central Africa the key characteristics include a heart shaped faces that curve inward and patterns of circles and dots, although some groups prefer more of a geometric and angular face and form. The materials used range from mostly wood all the way to ivory, bone, stone, clay, and metal. Overall though, the Central Africa region has very striking styles that it is very easy to identify which area the sculpture was produced in.

Eastern Africa is not known for their sculptures but one type that is done in this area is pole sculptures. These are a pole carved in a human shape and decorated with geometric forms, while the tops are carved with figures of animals, people, and various objects. These poles are then placed next to graves and are associated with death.

Southern Africas oldest known clay figures date from 400 to 600 A.D. and have cylindrical heads. These clay figures have a mixture of human and animal features. Other than clay figures there are also wooden headrests that were buried with their owners. The headrests had styles ranging from geometric shapes to animal figures.

Each region has a unique style and meaning to their sculptures. The type of material and purpose for the sculpture reflects that of the region of creation.

There are a number of interesting papers on this subject which can be viewed/read here: [ African Votive Sculptures]

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