Mogens Herman Hansen

Mogens Herman Hansen

Mogens Herman Hansen FBA (b. August 20, 1940 in Frederiksberg, Denmark) is a Danish classical philologist who is one of the leading scholars in Athenian Democracy and the Polis.

He finished his masters at University of Copenhagen in 1967. The following year he was engaged to work at the same university. He has written many books about the Athenian Democracy. From 1993 to 2005 he was the director of the Copenhagen Polis Centre.

He is Visiting Fellow at the University of Melbourne, University of British Columbia, Wolfson College (University of Cambridge), Princeton University, and Churchill College (Cambridge).

He is a member of the Royal Danish Academy of Sciences, by Deutsche Archaeologisches Institute and the British Academy.

In June 2010 Mogens Herman Hansen retired after 40 years at Copenhagen University.

Major works in English

  • The Sovereignty of the People's Court in Athens in the 4th c. B.C. (1974)
  • The Athenian Assembly (1987)
  • The Athenian Democracy in the Age of Demosthenes (1991)
  • Acts of the Copenhagen Polis Centre I-VII (1993-2005)
  • Papers of the Copenhagen Polis Centre I-VII (1994-2004)
  • A Comparative Study of 30 City-State Cultures (2000)
  • Inventory of Archaic and Classical Poleis (2004)


  • KRAK's Blå Bog 2006/2007

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