

Infobox Dogbreed
akcgroup = Working
akcstd = http://www.akc.org/breeds/kuvasz/index.cfm
altname = Hungarian Kuvasz
ankcgroup = Group 5 (Working Dogs)
ankcstd = http://www.ankc.aust.com/kuvasz.html
ckcgroup = Group 3 - Working Dogs
ckcstd = http://www.kuvaszclubofcanada.org/canstandards.htm
country = Hungary
fcigroup = 1
fcinum = 54
fcisection = 1
fcistd = http://www.google.com/search?q=cache:oSmDgy-nUPAJ:www.fci.be/uploaded_files/054gb2000.doc+site:www.fci.be+%2254+/+13.09.2000+%22&hl=en&ie=UTF-8

image_caption = A pair of Kuvaszok
kcukgroup = Pastoral
kcukstd = http://www.the-kennel-club.org.uk/discoverdogs/pastoral/p1046.htm
name = Kuvasz
nzkcgroup = Working
nzkcstd = http://www.nzkc.org.nz/br534.html
ukcgroup = Guardian Dogs
ukcstd = http://www.ukcdogs.com/breeds/guardiandogs/kuvasz.std.shtml
maleweight = 45-52 kg (100 to 115 pounds)
femaleweight = 35-40 kg (75 to 90 pounds)
maleheight = 70 to 76 cm (28 to 30 inches)
femaleheight = 65 to 70 cm (26 to 28 inches)
coat =
color = White
litter_size = 7 to 8
life_span = 10 to 12 years

The Kuvasz (lat. Canis familiaris undulans hungaricus) (pronounced KOO-vahss; in the Hungarian language, the plural is Kuvaszok, pronounced KOO-vah-sock) is a dog breed of ancient Hungarian origin. Mention of the breed can be found in old Hungarian texts. It has historically been used to guard livestock, but has been increasingly found in homes as a pet over the last seventy years.



The Kuvasz is a large dog with a dense coat which is usually white in color and can range from wavy to straight in texture. Although the fur is white, the Kuvaszs skin pigmentation should be dark and the nose should be black. The eyes should have an almond shape. Females usually weigh between 35-40 kg (75-90 pounds) while males weigh between 45-52 kg (100-115 pounds) with a medium bone structure. The head should be half as wide as it is long with the eyes set slightly below the plane of the muzzle. The stop (where the muzzle raises to the crown of the head) should be defined but not abrupt. The precise standard varies by country. (See the Breed Standards for a more precise description.) To a casual observer, the Kuvasz may appear similar to a Great Pyrenees, Akbash, a Maremma Sheepdog, or a white Poodle and Labrador Retriever mix.

As with many livestock guardian dogs, the color of the Kuvasz's coat serves a functional purpose and is an essential breed criterion. Shepherds purposefully bred the Kuvasz to have a light colored coat so that it would be easier for the shepherd to distinguish the Kuvasz from wolves that would prey on the livestock during the night. The Komondor, a cousin of the Kuvasz, has a white coat for the same reason. Traditionally, the Hungarian Kuvasz's coat could be either white or cream colored with a wavy texture. However, there is some debate, particularly in the United States, concerning the appropriateness of "cream" colored coats in show-quality dogs and whether the coat should be straight or wavy in texture. [ [http://hbalaw.com/KFA/revision.htm Open Letter from KFA Concerning Breed Standard ] ] Since washing and brushing out a coat, as done for shows in the US also causes the coat to appear straight, the debate may be circular. Straighter coats may also have appeared as the result of breeding programs that developed after World War II, when the breeding lines in Hungary were isolated from the rest of the world as a result of Soviet occupation (see History, below).


The Kuvasz is a very intelligent dog and is often described as having a clownish sense of humor which can last throughout their adolescence and occasionally into adulthood. [ [http://www.kuvasz.info/kuvaszdescription.htm Kuvasz Description And History ] ] They are intensely loyal yet patient pets who appreciates attention but may also be somewhat aloof or independent, particularly with strangers. In keeping with their origins as a livestock guardian, Kuvaszok are known to be fierce protectors of their families. Given their intelligence, constant awareness of their surroundings, as well as their size and strength, they can be quite impressive in this role. A Kuvasz should be courageous, disciplined and stable, while hyperactivity, nervousness and shyness are to be faulted.

The combination of intelligence, independence and protectiveness make obedience training and socialization necessities. Furthermore, despite their intelligence, they should not be perceived as easily trained. Their independent personalities can make training a difficult task which can wear on the patience of even experienced owners. As a result, they are not recommended for novices and those who do not have time to train and socialize them properly. An adolescent Kuvasz should be able to learn basic obedience commands and consistently respond to them; however the instinctive need to investigate strangers and protect its owner may cause the Kuvasz to act independently when off leash and ignore the calls of a frustrated handler. Finally, a potential owner should refrain from purchasing a Kuvasz if barking will be a problem at the home. While not all Kuvasz are prone to barking, many of them fulfill their guardian role by vocally warning off potential threats, both real and imagined. On the other hand, many of these qualities make the Kuvasz excellent guardians for sheep or large estates.


Although regarded today as one of the Hungarian breeds, the Kuvasz' origins actually lay with a nomadic tribe and may have its true origins from as far as Tibet. Around 2000 BCE the Magyar tribes moved along the recently established trade routes of the steppes, gradually leading them to the Carpathian Basin in Hungary which they conquered in 896. With them came Kuvasz-type dogs, which primarily served as livestock guardians. In 1978, the fossilized skeleton of a 9th Century Kuvasz-type dog was discovered in Fenékpuszta near Keszthely, a discovery which was remarkable in that the morphology of the skeleton was almost identical to a modern Kuvasz. If accurate, such a discovery would mark the Kuvasz as among the oldest identifiable dog breeds as only a few breeds can be dated beyond the 9th Century.

After the Magyar settlement of the Carpathian Basin, the tribes converted to a more agrarian lifestyle and began to devote more resources towards animal husbandry. Whereas the Komondor was used in the lower elevations with drier climates, the Kuvasz was used in the wet pastures of the higher mountains and both were an integral part of the economy. Later, during the 15th Century, the Kuvasz became a highly prized animal and could be found in the royal court of King Matthias Corvinus. Kuvasz puppies were given to visiting dignitaries as a royal gift, and the King was said to have trusted his dogs more than his own councilors. [ [http://www.dogbreedinfo.com/kuvasz.htm DogBreedInfo.com Kuvasz Page] ] After the king's death, the popularity of the breed among the nobles waned but it was still frequently found in its traditional role of protecting livestock.

By the end of World War II, nearly all the Kuvaszok in Hungary had been killed. The dogs had such a reputation for protecting their families that they were actively sought and killed by German and Soviet soldiers, while at the same time some German officers were known to take Kuvaszok home with them. [ [http://www.kuvasz.com/kuvasz/history.htm Kuvasz Club of America - Kuvasz History] ] [http://www.kuvasz.info/kuvaszdescription.htm] After the Soviet invasion and the end of the war, the breed was nearly extinct in Hungary. [ [http://www.k9web.com/dog-faqs/breeds/kuvaszok.html K9Web.com Kuvaszok FAQ] ] After the war, it was revealed that fewer than thirty Kuvaszok were left in Hungary and some sources indicate the number may have been as few as twelve. Since then, due to many dedicated breeders, Kuvaszok have repopulated Hungary. However, as a result of this near extinction, the genetic pool available to breeders was severely restricted and there is conjecture that some may have use other breeds, such as the Great Pyrenees, to continue their programs. [ [http://hbalaw.com/KFA/kovacs.htm Kuvasz Fanciers Association - The Kuvasz] ] The issue is further clouded by the need to use a classification of B pedigrees at the time to rebuild the breed.

Possible origins of the breed name

The word most likely comes from the Turkic word "kavas" meaning guard or soldier or "kuwasz" meaning protector. A related theory posits that the word may have originated from the ancient farmers of Russia, the Chuvash, who nurtured the breed for generations and contributed many words to the Hungarian language.


The Kuvasz's stiff, dense coat, growing up to 15 cm (6 inches) in length, does not require any special grooming. It needs to be brushed once a week or, better still, every two or three days. For standard grooming purposes, use of a grooming rake or a pin-brush with rounded pins is recommended. To remove stubborn knots, use a curry comb or a large-toothed comb. During the spring and autumn the Kuvasz moults (also known as shedding), and he will lose copious amounts of hair very quickly. Frequent brushing is therefore needed to keep his coat tidy. A Kuvasz should not smell or have an odor; such is usually a sign of illness or a poor diet.


Although generally a healthy and robust breed which can be expected to live approximately 12-14 years, the Kuvaszok are prone to developmental bone problems. [ [http://www.kuvasz.com/kuvasz/health.htm Kuvasz Club of America - Kuvasz Health ] ] Accordingly, owners should take care to provide proper nutrition to their Kuvasz puppy and avoid subjecting the puppy to rough play. As with many large breeds, hip dysplasia, a painful and potentially debilitating condition, is not uncommon. Good genetics and proper nutrition as a puppy are key to avoiding these complications.

A Kuvasz puppy should not be fed a diet high in calories or protein as such diets have been associated with the development of orthopedic disorders later in life. The Kuvasz has a very efficient metabolism and is predisposed to rapid growth -- vitamin supplements are not necessary and, in fact, should be avoided. [ [http://www.kuvasz.com/kuvasz/care.htm Kuvasz Club of America - Caring For Your Kuvasz ] ] Cooked bones should never be given to a Kuvasz or any other dog because the cooking process renders the bone brittle and prone to splintering, which can cause serious injury to the dog's mouth and digestive tract.

imilar Breeds

* Italian Abruzzese Sheepdog
* French Great Pyrenees
* Slovakian Cuvac
* Turkish Akbash Dog
* Polish Tatra Sheepdog


Hódosi, József, ed. "A Kuvasz". Hungaria Kuvasz Klub, 1996. English Translation by International Kuvasz Book Project.

External links

* Breed Clubs
** [http://www.kuvasz.com/ Kuvasz Club of America]
** [http://www.kuvaszclubofcanada.org/ Kuvasz Club of Canada]
** [http://www.kuvasz.org/ American Kuvasz Association]
** [http://hbalaw.com/KFA/index.htm Kuvasz Fanciers of America]
** [http://www.kuvasz.info/kuvaszcontents.htm Kuvasz Information (includes extensive history)]
** [http://www.kuvaszklub.org/forum/ Kuvasz support forum for the lovers of this breed (in English too)]

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