- Icograda
International Council of Graphic Design Associations (Icograda) was founded in London in 1963. Icograda is the world body for professional communication design and visual communication. Icograda network members include professional associations, design promotion bodies, design media and design education institutions. Design media are affiliated through the Icograda Design Media Network. Individuals are affiliated through the Icograda Friends Network.
The Icograda Education Network (IEN) brings together the worldwide community of graphic design educational institutions. The IEN was inaugurated at a meeting in Brno, Czech Republic, in June 2002 attended by 73 delegates from 28 countries.
International affiliations
Icograda coordinates international best practices for communication design. It maintains affiliations with other international organisations such as UNESCO, UNIDO,
ISO and [http://www.ifrro.org IFFRO] andWIPO . Partner of International Design Alliance (IDA).Events
Icograda and its members organise Design Weeks around the globe. Its biennial Congress and General Assembly are hosted by different Member associations on a rotational basis. The Icograda World Design Congress 2007 was held in La Habana (Cuba) in October 2007 and will be in Beijing (China) in October 2009. Upcoming Design Weeks in 2008 and 2009 will be hosted in Korea, Italy and Qatar.
An integral part of Icograda's professional design events are exhibitions featuring major stakeholders in the communication design industry, as well as work from designers from around the world.
[http://beijing2009.org/ Xin_Reaching Beyond boundaries] | Icograda World Design Congress 2009, Beijing, China, 24-30 October 2009
Icograda Design Week in Doha, Qatar, March 2009
[http://icogradadesignweektorino.aiap.it/ Multiverso] | Icograda Design Week in Torino, Italy, October 2008
Icograda Design Week in Daegu, Korea, July 2008
Design/Culture | Icograda World Design Congress in La Habana, Cuba, October 2007
[http://www.designlocal.net/ Design Local] | Icograda Design Week in Mumbai, India, February 2007
Icograda Design Week in South Africa, September 2006
Icograda Design Week in Seattle, USA, July 2006
Icograda Design Week in Hong Kong, China, January 2006
[http://www.era05.com/ Era 2005] | World Design Congress in Copenhagen, Denmark, September 2005
[http://www.visualogue.com/ Visualogue] | Icograda World Design Congress 2003, Nagoya, Japan
Continental Shift | Icograda/IFI Joint Congress in Johannesburg, South Africa, September 2001
Sydney Design Days '99 | World Design Congress in Sydney, Australia, September 1999
Icograda World Design Congress in Punta del Este, Uruguay, 1997
Icograda World Design Congress in Portugal, 1995
Icograda World Design Congress in Glasgow, Scotland, 1993
Icograda World Design Congress in Montreal, Canada, 1991
Since March 2005, the Secretariat for Icograda has been headquartered in
Montreal 's International Quartier district (Quebec ,Canada ).Brenda Sanderson, Managing Director (Montreal, Canada)
Michal Steckiw, Manager, Membership Services, Programmes and Partnerships (Montreal, Canada).Icograda's Executive Board consists of individuals who are duly nominated and elected by Icograda Member associations at the biennial Icograda General Assembly. Members of the Executive Board serve in a volunteer position and donate their time and expertise to further Icograda's mandate. Board meetings are typically held four times a year in different locations around the world, usually in conjunction with regional meetings, seminars, or other scheduled design events.
Don Ryun Chang, President - (Seoul, Korea)
Jacques Lange, Past President - (Pretoria, South Africa)
Russell Kennedy, President Elect - (Melbourne, Australia)
Lise Vejse Klint, Secretary General - (Copenhagen, Denmark)
David Berman, Treasurer - (Ottawa, Canada)
Iva Babaja, Vice President - (Zagreb, Croatia)
Halim Choueiry, Vice President - (Doha, Qatar)
Mohammed Jogie, Vice President - (Johannesburg, South Africa)
Omar Vulpinari, Vice President - (Treviso, Italy)
Min Wang, Vice President - (Beijing, China)Facts: (Source: Icograda)
External links
* [http://www.icograda.org Icograda website]
* [http://www.brighton.ac.uk/designarchives/icogradaarchive/index.html Icograda archive]
* [http://www.iso.ch/iso/en/stdsdevelopment/liaisonorglist/LiaisonOrgDetailPage.LiaisonOrgDetail?ACRONYM=ICOGRADA Icograda ISO profile]
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