

Agentura. Ru (Russian: Агентура.Ру) is a Russian web-site founded in 2000 as internet-community of journalists who cover terrorism, and Intelligence agencies. Since 2000 by 2006 web-site was supported by ISP Relcom, since 2006 Agentura.Ru is the voluntary project.

Agentura. Ru is considered one of most respectable sources on . Editor of Agentura. Ru is Andrei Soldatov, deputy editor Irina Borogan.

Agentura. Ru has been reported and featured in the New York Times, the Moscow Times, the Washington Post, Online Journalism Review, Le Monde, The Christian Science Monitor, CNN, Federation of American Scientists, BBC, as well in websites of The Centre for Counterintelligence and Security Studies, Center for Defence Information, The Library of Congress, Cambridge Security Programme.Agentura. Ru is quoted by The New York Times as "A Web Site That Came in From the Cold to Unveil Russian Secrets".

Committee to Protect Journalists(CPJ) in [ its annual report] "Attacks on the press 2003" quoted Agentura. Ru:

"While some Russian newspapers like the Moscow-based twice-weekly Novaya Gazeta have developed a strong tradition of exposing government abuses and continue to do so, others have been dissuaded after seeing colleagues murdered, beaten, prosecuted, and fined. Journalists who have opted for publishing on the Internet-like Andrei Soldatov, who runs the Web site and specializes in writing about Russia's powerful security services-have been detained and questioned by security forces angered by articles about their activities".

In September 2005 Agentura. Ru Studies and Research Centre / ASRC /, research department of Agentura. Ru project, has published the research paper [ “Terrorism prevention in Russia: one year after Beslan] (English). Short version of it has been republished in RUSI/Jane's Homeland Security and Resilience Monitor. On June 2006 Agentura. Ru Studies and Research Centre prepared the report [ "Al Qaeda. The role in the North Caucasus"] . First published in Novaya Gazeta.

Since January 2006 Agentura. Ru has cooperation with Novaya Gazeta covering intelligence and terrorism issues.

In June 2008 The Moscow Times has written on Agentura.Ru in [ article "Journalist Enjoying A Security Monopoly"]

" has developed into an information and analytical hub, updated on a daily basis and covering developments related to security services in Russia and the former Soviet Union and terrorist groups worldwide. It also publishes articles on the history and practices of foreign security agencies and issues like media and legislative oversight of security services".

External links

*(Russian) [ Official website]
*(English) [ Official website]
*(Russian) [ Agentura.Ru Studies and Research Centre / ASRC / website]
*(English) [ Agentura.Ru Studies and Research Centre / ASRC / website]


* [ A Web Site That Came in From the Cold to Unveil Russian Secrets] The New York Times
* [ In Russia, A Secretive Force Widens - Washington Post]
* [ Russian government sets sights on 'subversion'] The Christian Science Monitor
* [ Watching the watchers in Russia] Federation of American Scientists
* [ Murky World of Spies Gets Portal] The Moscow Times
* [ FSB Reform: Changes Are Few and Far between] Agentura. Ru
* [ Terrorism prevention in Russia: one year after Beslan] Agentura. Ru Studies and Research Centre

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

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