

Infobox Weapon
name= Fort-12

caption= Ukrainian Fort-12
type= Semi-automatic pistol
service= 1998-
used_by= Ukrainian Army, Police
manufacturer= RPC Fort
variants= Fort-12R [ [ Fort-12R] ] (Rubber bullets)
Fort-12RM [ [ Fort-12RM] ]
Fort-12T [ [ Fort-12T] ]
Fort-12G [ [ Fort-12G] ]
Fort-12 CURZ [ [ Fort-12 CURZ] ] (9x17 мм CURZ)
weight= 830 g (empty)
950 g (loaded)
length= 180 mm
part_length= 95 mm
height= 131 mm
width= 32mm
cartridge= 9x18mm Makarov
caliber= 9mm
action= Double Action, semiautomatic
rate= 40 rounds per minute
velocity= 320 m/s
range= ~50 m
feed= 12 round box magazine

The Fort-12 (Ukrainian: "Пістолет ФОРТ-12") is a semi-automatic pistol which was designed in the late 1990s by Ukrainian firearms designer RPC Fort. [ [ Pistol «Fort-12»] ]


The Fort-12 pistol is an attempt of the independent Ukraine (one of the former USSR republics) to develop its own police pistol to replace Soviet era, aging Makarov PM pistols. To accomplish this task, Ukrainian state-owned FORT factory purchased Czech machinery from Česká Zbrojovka Uherský Brod factory, and by the late 1990s developed its first pistol, the Fort-12. Currently, this gun is issued to the Ukrainian police and security forces and also sold on civilian market chambered for non-lethal rubber ammunition or tear gas ammunition. Early production Fort-12 pistols were reported as only marginally reliable, but at the present time most of the teething problems are gone, and Fort-12 pistol provides some improvements over the older Makarov PM in the ergonomics, accuracy and magazine capacity. The only visible minor flaw of the Fort-12 design is the lack of the safe decocking facility.

The Fort-12 is a blowback operated, double action pistol. Frame and slide are made from steel. Manual safety is mounted on the left side of the slide only, and locks the hammer either in cocked or in lowered position. Guns are manufactured in standard grade with matte finish, or in presentational grade, with gold inlays and engravings. Magazine is of double column type, and holds 12 rounds of ammunition, magazine release button is located at the base of the trigger guard, on the left side of the frame.

ee also

*Military of Ukraine
*Ukrainian ground forces


External links

* [ Modern Firearms - Fort 12 pistol]

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