- Pike Island
Pike Island is an island at the
confluence of the Mississippi andMinnesota River s in southwest Ramsey County in the Twin Cities metropolitan area ofMinnesota . It is a portion of the 100,000 acres (400 km²) of land purchased from the MdewakantonSioux Indians byZebulon Pike in September 1805, which later was to becomeFort Snelling , Minneapolis, and Saint Paul.cite web| title = The Treaty Story | work = Minnesota Territory| publisher = Minnesota Historical Society| url = http://www.mnhs.org/places/historycenter/exhibits/territory/territory/treaty/treaty4.html| accessdate = 2006-12-12] The U.S. government wanted to build a fort to protect American interests in the fur trade in the region, and Pike negotiated the treaty. Pike Island is at theconfluence of the Minnesota and Mississippi rivers, below the bluff where Fort Snelling is situated. The island and the fort are now part of the MinnesotaFort Snelling State Park . Pike valued the land at $200,000, but the U.S. Senate later agreed to pay only $2000., and wife of Jean-Baptiste Faribault. [cite web| last = Krahn| first = Lisa A.| title = Was Jean-Baptiste A Spy?| work = Upper Mississippi Brigade Articles| publisher = Upper Mississippi Brigade| url = http://members.tripod.com/umbrigade/articles/jean-baptiste_spy.html| accessdate = 2006-12-12] [cite web| last = Ska| first = Kunsi| title = A Family Outing| url = http://www.visi.com/~vanmulken/1999arts/November%2099.html| accessdate = 2006-12-12]
The six-week Dakota Indian War (
Dakota War of 1862 ) resulted in the deaths of hundreds of settlers and Indians. As a result of this, more than 400 Dakotas were tried, and 302 men condemned to be executed atMankato, Minnesota . President Lincoln eventually commuted the sentences of all but 38 Dakota, who were hanged in a mass hanging which took place onDecember 12 1862 .During this time, more than 1600 Dakota women, children, and old men were held in an internment camp on Pike Island. Living conditions were poor, and disease struck the camp, killing more than three hundred. [cite book| last =Monjeau-Marz| first =Corinne L.| title = Dakota Indian Internment at Fort Snelling, 1862–1864| publisher =Prairie Smoke Press| date =
October 10 ,2005 | id = ISBN 0-9772-7181-1] In May 1863, the survivors were forced aboardsteamboat s and relocated toCrow Creek , in the southeasternDakota Territory , a place stricken by drought at the time. The survivors of Crow Creek were moved three years later to the Santee Reservation inNebraska . [cite web| title = Where the Water Reflects the Past| publisher = The Saint Paul Foundation| date = 2005-10-31 | url = http://www.saintpaulfoundation.org/about/ourstories/index.asp?sid=23&id=442&p=2| accessdate = 2006-12-12] [cite web| title = family History| work = Census of Dakota Indians Interned at Fort Snelling After the Dakota War in 1862| publisher = Minnesota Historical Society| date = 2006| url = http://www.mnhs.org/genealogy/dakotafamily/census1863/indian_index313.htm| accessdate = 2006-12-12]References
Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.