- Hobara, Fukushima
Japanese city| Name = Hobara-machi
JapaneseName = 保原町
Prefecture =Fukushima prefecture
Region = Tōhoku
Area_km2 = 41.99
Population = 24,491
PopDate =January 1, 2006
Density_km2 = 583.25
Coords = coord|37.49|140.33|display=inline,title|type:city
Mayor =
Tree =
Flower =
Bird =
CityHallPostalCode =
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Elevation =Hobara (保原町; -machi) was a town located in Date District, Fukushima,
Japan . It is a part of theKenpoku Region .On January 1, 2006, Hobara with four towns in Date District merged it and became Date City.At that time, studies reported the town has an estimated
population of 24,491 people and a density of 583.25 persons per km². The total area is 41.99 km². [http://ja.wikipedia.org/wiki/%E4%BF%9D%E5%8E%9F%E7%94%BA Japanese Wikipedia Article: 保原町 (Hobara-machi)] (site), Wikipedia.org. Retrieved onMarch 19 ,2007 .]Local Events
Tsutsukobiki is a yearly festival that happens in Hobara in March. Members of the community and surrounding towns join together to carry, shake, and smash a straw bushel containing
mochi inside. The event proceeds with a three team tug-of-war (split by where the participants live). Eventually, participants carry the straw to a nearby shrine, at which the bushel is cut open with a ceremonial sword.Momo Marathon
There is a yearly "Momo Marathon" (Peach Marathon) which passes through Hobara each summer.
Folk Tales and Local Legends
Shinkeibo (真敬坊) was a Japanese monk who travelled through Hobara during a plague and was able to treat the villagers, saving them from their sickness. Shinkeibo was asked by the villagers to stay in the town permanently, but stories vary as to whether he resumed wandering or spent the rest of his life in Hobara. Shinkeibo is still considered a hero for his help.Bomaka
Bomaka (ぼまか) is the name of a playfulspirit that caused trouble to residents of Hobara for approximately one year. Little is known about him beyond his great power andmischievous nature.Kamekyo
Kamekyo is the name of a spirit that resides in a local shrine, Itsukushima Shrine (厳島神社) in Hobara. Local legends include tales in which Kamekyo, a childlike spirit, plays with village children or helps villagers in times offamine orpoverty .Local Foods
Mame Kojiru
Mame Kojiru (豆っこ汁) is a kind of bean used in makingdango , [http://www.bpf.or.jp/tokukon/mamekojiru.html Product Plaza Fukushima] (site), Retrieved onMarch 19 ,2007 .] a dumpling that is eaten both on its own and as an additive (inmiso soup broth, for instance). Mame Kojiru is considered to be a creation native to Hobara.References/Notes
External links
* [http://www.city.date.fukushima.jp/town-hobara/index.html Hobara official website] in Japanese
* [http://www.city.date.fukushima.jp/ Date official website] in Japanese
* [http://www.city.date.fukushima.jp/english/index.html Date official website] English version
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