- Sandilands Community Primary School
Sandilands Community Primary School is a
primary school situated on Wendover Road,Wythenshawe ,Manchester ,England . The school was formed in September 2005 by the amalgamation of separate junior and infant schools that were created in the early 1950s. Currently, it has around 400 pupils, ages 3-11. [ [http://www.dfes.gov.uk/cgi-bin/performancetables/group_06.pl?Mode=Z&Type=P&No=p528&Base=v&Phase=p&Year=06 DfES statistics] ] [ [http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/shared/bsp/hi/education/06/school_tables/primary_schools/html/352_2301.stm BBC league table] ] The proportion ofpupils with learning difficulties and/or disabilities is above average. [ [http://www.ofsted.gov.uk/reports/pdf/?inspectionNumber=277360&providerCategoryID=16&fileName=\school\105\s5_105469_20060627.pdf Ofsted report] ]Head teachers
* 1988-September 2005 Mrs Dickens
* September 2005-4 June 2007 John ReillyJohn Reilly died, found hanging from a tree inWythenshawe Park at 11am on 4 June, though there were no suspicious circumstances. [ [http://www.manchestereveningnews.co.uk/news/s/1008/1008429_head_teacher_found_hanged.html "Head teacher found hanged"] , Neal Keeling,Manchester Evening News , 5 June 2007]Awards
Sandilands has been awarded the Active Mark by
Sport England , following a rigorous assessment, to show the school is committed to the benefits of physical activity and sport. [http://www.manchester.gov.uk/news/2005/jan/award.htm "Manchester school scoops two top awards"] , Manchester City Council, 5 January 2005]The school has also received the Leading Aspect Award to mark its inspiring approach to ICT. [http://www.manchester.gov.uk/news/2005/jan/award.htm "Manchester school scoops two top awards"] , Manchester City Council, 5 January 2005] [ [http://www.leadingaspectaward.org.uk/casestudy/Sandilands+Junior+School%2C+Manchester/156 "Raising achievement across the curriculum through the use of ICT - Case Study"] , January 2006]
chool Council
There is a School Council consisting of eight pupils, one from each class in years 3-6, that meets twice a term. The Council has a budget of around £50 with which to buy extra equipment. Though the meetings are supervised by an adult, that person has no say whatsoever on the spending decisions.
The school is one of only five in the north-west taking part in the PELRS project (Pedagogies with E-Learning Resources) developed by the
Manchester Metropolitan University following critical evaluations of the government’s £1bn investment in ICT. [ [http://www.mmu.ac.uk/news/news_item.php?id=375 "Schools not making most of ICT"] , Manchester Metroplitan University, 11 January 2006]Attendance initiative
The School has developed a strategy to improve attendance and rewards everypupil who achieves 100% attendance each term with a further reward if a pupil achieves 100% attendance for the whole academic year. [ [http://www.manchester.gov.uk/bestvalue/ward/plan0303/pdf/Brooklands.pdf "Brooklands Matters"] , March 2003, Manchester City Council]
External links
* [http://www.millenniumschools.co.uk/pub/manchester/sandilands/a.html Official site]
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