

"Sangonghesaurus" (san-gong-eh-SORE-us; "Sangonghe lizard") is the informal name given to a genus of dinosaur. It was an ankylosaur, a quadrupedal, armoured herbivore. "Sangonghesaurus" was found in Xinjiang, China, in either Jurassic or Late Cretaceous rocks. The name was coined by Zhao in 1983. Some researchers (George Olshevsky) suspect that it is actually an early name for "Tianchisaurus".


*Lambert, D. 1993. "A to Z of Dinosaurs" In: "The Ultimate Dinosaur Book". Dorling Kindersley, 192 pp. ISBN 0-7513-0047-0
* [ "Sanchusaurus" in The Dinosaur Encyclopaedia] at Dino Russ' Lair
* [ Dinosaur Mailing List] posting on "Sangonghesaurus", by George Olshevsky

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