Andrea della Robbia

Andrea della Robbia

Andrea della Robbia (October 24 1435 - august 4 1525) was an Italian Renaissance sculptor, especially in ceramics. He was the son of Marco della Robbia, brother of Luca della Robbia.

Born in Florence, he was the most important artist of ceramic glaze of the times. His workshop was carried on by his son Giovanni after his death.

His works included: [CathEncy|wstitle=Andrea della Robbia]
* The medallions of infants for the Foundling hospital, Florence, and the Annunciation over the inner entrance
* the Meeting of S. Francis and S. Dominic in the loggia of S. Paolo, Florence
* the Virgin adoring the Divine Child in the Crib in the Bargello
* the Madonna della Quercia at Viterbo
* the marble high altar of S. Maria delle Grazie at Arezzo
* the decorations of the vaulted ceiling and porch of the old Pistoia Cathedral
* the decorations of Sante Flora e Lucilla in Santa Fiora
*the ".


*cite book|title=The History of Medieval Europe |author= Lynn Thorndike|year= 1956|publisher=University of Michigan

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