- Jean François Billeter
Jean François Billeter (born 1939; Chinese name : 畢來德 Bì Láidé) is a Swiss sinologist and emeritus professor of the University of Geneva, where he created the sinology department in 1987. After directing it for twelve years, he retired in 1999 to spend more time writing.
Li Zhi , philosophe maudit (1527-1602). Contribution à une sociologie du mandarinat de la fin des Ming. Droz, Paris/Genève 1979.
* "The System of 'Class Status'". In: Stuart R. Schram (éd.): The Scope of State Power in China. The Chinese University Press, Hong Kong 1985, pp. 127–169.
* L'art chinois de l'écriture. Skira, Genève 1989.
* Mémoire sur les études chinoises à Genève et ailleurs. Librairie du Rameau d'Or, Genève 1998.
* Chine trois fois muette : essai sur l'histoire contemporaine et la Chine. Allia, Paris 2000.
* Leçons sur Tchouang-tseu. Allia, Paris 2002.
* Contre François Jullien. Allia, Paris 2006.
* Etudes sur Tchouang-tseu. Revised edition. Allia, Paris 2006.switch:" uc: 1939 "
"MISSING"">"" = Year of birth missing #switch:"uc:"|"LIVING"|""=(living people)
"UNKNOWN" = Year of birth unknown
#default = 1939 births
switch:" uc: "
"LIVING"">"" = Living people
"MISSING" = Year of death missing
"UNKNOWN" = Year of death unknown
#default = deaths
Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.