Parental consent

Parental consent

Parental consent laws (also known as parental involvement or parental notification laws) in some countries require that one or more parents consent to or be notified before their minor child can legally engage in certain activities.

Parental consent may refer to:
*A parent's right to give consent, or be informed, before their minor child undergoes medical treatment. See informed consent for such legislation in general or minors and abortion for legislation relating specifically to abortion.
*A parent's right to give consent before their minor child undergoes body modification such as piercing or tattooing.
*A parent's right to consent to their minor child marrying before he or she reaches marriageable age.
*A parent's right to be involved in their minor child's education, including the right to approve or disapprove of certain curricula, or to consent to extracurricular activity and field trips.

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